Theater players also detained in today's police operations

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Theater players were also taken into custody in the police raids realized in 21 cities in the scope of a Diyarbakır centered investigation this morning (April 25).
Raids were carried out on Amed City Theater, Dicle Culture and Arts Association, Mezopotamya Culture and Arts Association and BKM and many actors were detained.
Long Live Our Theater Live Initiative announced that their board member Yavuz Akkuzu, aldo the founder of the Amed City Theater and an actor and his team members were taken into custody. They wrote "We do not accept" #kabuletmiyoruz hashtag in their tweet.
Devrim Demir, Elvan Köçer Yıldırım, Özcan Ateş, Sena Özbey, Şahperi Alphan Bayhan, Sadettin İnal, Kibar Suvari, Velat Ersin, Kevve Çelik, and Mesut Baskın are among the actors who were taken into custody together with Yavuz Akkuzu.
The Amed City Theater (Şanoya Bajêr a Amedê) also shared a tweet where they wrote, "Our friends were detained in police raids this morning. We are proud of Amed City Theater."
What happened?
Police detained dozens of people, including journalists, politicians, lawyers, artists, and activists in early morning raids across 21 cities today in the morning.
The raids carried out as part of a Diyarbakır based investigation mostly targeted pro-Kurdish organizations, including the Mezopotamya Agency (MA), the Yeni Yaşam Newspaper, the Lawyers for Freedom Association (ÖHD) and the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP).
The charges are still unclear.