No Kurdish interpreters, therefore statements in Kurdish not yet taken in the massive crackdown

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The procedure for taking the statements of those detained started yesterday (April 26) in the scope of the investigation run by Diyarbakır Chief Prosecutor's Office which had resulted in a massive crackdown in 21 provinces.
In the scope of the investigation, the court had given detention warrants for 216 people, out of 128 of whom have been taken into custody so far, with journalists, politicians, artists, and lawyers among them.
No Kurdish interpreters
Rifat Ronî, the Co-Chairperson of Mezopotamya Language and Culture Studies Association (MED-DER), journalist Salih Keleş, and Halise Aksoy, the mother to whom the dead body of her son had been sent by cargo service in the past were those who wanted to give their statements in Kurdish.
However, no Kurdish interpreters could be provided, and taking of their statement was therefore postponed to today, reported Mezopotamya Agency (MA).
Lawyers not giving their statements to police
Journalists Abdurrahman Gök, Beritan Canözer, Mehmetşah Oruç, and Mikail Barut, politician Hakim Kaya, and Abdulgani Alkan, a member of the 78 Generation Association who did not agree to give statements to the police were sent to the court.
It was reported that none of the lawyers who are members of the Lawyers for Freedom Association (ÖHD) accepted to give their statements at the police station.
Confidentiality order in force
Lawyers Gurbet Özbey Öner and Jiyan Sametoğlu who were taken into custody yesterday were sent to the prosecutor's office and released on bail yesterday because they had breast-fed babies.
While the 24-hour restriction on lawyer visits ended yesterday, the confidentiality order imposed on the file is still in force.
The 126 people including 10 journalists among them who have been taken into custody in 20 provinces on April 25 and brought to Diyarbakır are being kekpt in different police stations in the city. (NT/PE)