“The Murders Are No More Unidentified”

In the 371st gathering on May 5, the Saturday Mothers/People staged a sit in for university students Hüsamettin Yaman and Soner Gül.
A group composed of people from Turkey, France and Kurdish intellectuals began a sit-in act in Place Royale, Nantes-France in order to support the Saturday Mothers/People and draw the attention of Europe.
They were 22 years old when they were lost
Hüsamettin Yaman was a student at Istanbul University, Vocational School of Technical Sciences and Soner Gül was a student at Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine. Yaman stayed in prison for 15 days due to carrying banners. Gül made the following statement for a newspaper before 1991 general elections: "None of the parties working for this system may create solutions for the problems of youth. We observe that education and training programs of all parties are organized for profit. However, we argue that education and training should be for the public." Then, he was taken into custody and he was tortured.
Yaman and Gül were 22 years old while they were waiting at a bus stop on May 5, 1992. No one could receive any news from them any more.
"They were not lost, they were killed"
Hanife Yıldız, mother of Murat Yıldız who was lost in 1995 in İzmir began her speech by saying:
"We couldn't make ourselves heard for 17 years. They still ignore us"
" 'Lost in custody' is a wrong explanation. They are not lost. They are killed" said Hüsamettin Yaman's brother Feyyaz Yaman and added:
"These murders are no more 'unidentified'. Everything is so clear except the justice mechanism. Saturday People will continue to change here into 'the garden of brotherhood' every Saturday"
"This case will not end until they are punished"
Selin Altunkaynak wrote the press statement of the 371. week:
"In December 2011, former member of special operations staff/triggerman Ayhan Çarkın stated that he murdered Hüsamettin and Soner and buried their bodies in Çerkezköy and their last sentences were 'Human dignity will beat the torture'.
"The families made an allegation again after the confessions of Çarkın. Specially Authorized Prosecutor Hakan Karaali took the statements of nine suspected policemen. However, he should have taken their "We are not related to this case" response as a satisfactory evidence because he released them.
"He decided twice 'Not an organized crime' for the case and sent it to Şişli Chief Public Prosecutor's Office. Şişli Chief Public Prosecutor's Office said 'it's an organized crime' and gave lack of jurisdiction decision. The prosecutors still could not decide how to do the investigation.
"Specially authorized prosecutors create 'organized crime' cases due to slogans, protests and banners however when hundreds of thousands of people are lost in custody in an organized and planned way, they do not take it as an organized crime.
"This case will not be closed for us unless the criminals stand trial and they get the punishment they deserve" (ÇT)