'The first casualty of war is the truth, we journalists side with peace, not war'

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In a statement about Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the Journalists' Union of Turkey (TGS) has demanded that the safety of journalists be ensured. Requesting that peace be established as soon as possible, the TGS has said, "We, journalists, side with peace, not war". It has also criticized Twitter for profiling the journalists for working for Russia-based Sputnik.
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'The first casualty of war is the truth'
The statement of the TGS has recalled that "the entire world is anxiously watching the civilian casualties inflicted in the conflict that ensued Russia's invasion of Ukraine by citing NATO's political plans."
The union has said, "These conflicts also bring about an environment where freedom of press and expression is destroyed and put journalists' life at risk. The first casualty of war is the truth. That media outlets turn into propaganda tools in times of war and that they are subjected to censorship in the fields where they work interfere with people's right to get information."
Referring to "some social media platforms' labeling of its colleagues working at Sputnik as 'pro-Russian'", the TGS has said that this move means "marking journalists as a target". Accordingly, it has called on the related institutions to "abandon this practice that will put journalists' lives at risk and may be considered violations of press freedom."
The TGS has said, "While journalists are obliged to convey the truth to the entire world in times of war, states are obliged to protect them. Ensuring the life safety of journalists, especially that of our colleagues working in Ukraine, means protecting the people's right to get information."
Concluding the statement, the union has said:
Regardless of what part of the world they are in, the Journalists' Union of Turkey is against practices that will harm press freedom such as profiling, targeting and censoring journalists. We, journalists, side with peace, not war. Peace must be established as soon as possible for an end to deaths, the right to get information and journalists' safety of life.
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