182 citizens from Turkey: We want peace with no ifs or buts

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182 citizens from Turkey have established a "No to Ukraine War Platform" in the face of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.
Requesting peace without ifs or buts, the citizens have said that they take a step to come together with the ones who want peace and oppose war in the world. 182 citizens have signed the following declaration:
"The invasion of Ukraine by Russia shows how dangerous an abyss the contradictions among the imperialist powers and expansionism lead the world to. Hundreds of people die. Children are trapped under debris. Cities, hospitals, roads and historical places collapse. Orders are given to prepare the nuclear weapons.
"Ecosystems and all living beings are subjected to collapse due to the horror of the war. We side with the people of Ukraine. We know that the Ukraine war is just a link in the chain of previous wars and if it is not stopped, it will be the starting point of new wars.
"We declare that no war is right and no invasion is rightful. We know that there are no winners of war except for the giant capitalist groups, monopolies, large finance circles and the politicians who want to remain in power for some time longer. We also know that there are no losers in peace.
"We want peace without ifs and buts. We take a step to come together with the ones who want peace and oppose war all across the world. We call on everyone, the great humanity to mobilize in the face of wars, occupations, the nuclear, fossil fuels and military conflicts sustained for geostrategic competition. We take the first steps to establish the No to Ukraine War Platform."
The undersigned are the following:
- Abdülsamet Baskak
- Adnan Demirel
- Ahmet Aykaç
- Ahmet Çoban
- Ahmet Demirel
- Ahmet Yiğit
- Ali Dalaz
- Ali Fikri Işık
- Ali Kulçay
- Ali Sözer
- Arzu Kılıçarslan
- Arzu Şenel Atmaca
- Asuman Bozgöz
- Atilla Dirim
- Ayetullah Aşıti
- Aynur Aktaş
- Aysel Aşıti
- Aysen Esen
- Ayşe Erzan
- Ayşe Üzümcü
- B.Bahar Keleş
- Baha Uzbilek
- Bahadır Altan
- Baskın Oran
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- Burak Demir
- Bülent Şahin Erdeğer
- Can Irmak Özinanır
- Canan Aydın Bıçak
- Candan Göksenin
- Candan Yıldız
- Cemal Yardımcı
- Cengiz Akduman
- Civan Demircan
- Çağatay Anadol
- Çağla Oflas
- Davut Güler
- Deniz Yıldız
- Deysem Siti
- Elif Acar
- Emin Turan
- Enis Karal
- Erdal Doğan
- Erdal Şimşek
- Erdoğan Aydın
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- Erol Kızılelma
- Ersin Ertuğrul Satan
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- Mahmud Ertürk
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