T A M A M* Posters on Streets of London Where Erdoğan Visited for Official Talks

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Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to England started yesterday.
Hashtag T A M A M, which became TT on Twitter upon Erdoğan saying, “If one day our nation says ‘enough’, then we will step aside”, has been seen on the streets of England’s capital city of London.
Referring to Erdoğan’s statement that “how come a law made by two drunks [Mustafa Kemal Atatürk and İsmet İnönü] is recognized but a law ordered by religion is rejected by you” to defend “alcohol bans” in a prime ministry group meeting in 2013, a note was put on the telephone booth seen behind Erdoğan in Westminister.
Joining the Twitter campaign with the slogan, which was the campaign slogan used while Erdoğan ran for mayor, hashtag #İnşallah Tamam, Presidential candidate Temel Karamollaoğlu’s tag was addressed as well. The poster in the Picadilly square looks like this. (PT/TK)
* Tamam means Enough in English