Elijah Wood Also Says ‘Enough’, AKP Denounces: 'Keyboard Warriors'

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President and Justice and Development Party (AKP) Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said, “In case our nations say ‘enough’, we will step aside’; 2 million “enough” (tamam) tweets have been posted; the word has taken the first place worldwide on Twitter.
Actor Elijah Wood from the US supported the campaign on Twitter by posting “#tamam”.
Candidates too said "enough"
Presidential candidates Selahattin Demirtaş, Muharrem İnce, Meral Akşener and Temel Karamollaoğlu also tweeted "enough"
AKP Spokesperson Ünal: We’ll meet at June 24 night
AKP Spokesperson Mahir Ünal has denounced the social media posts on this social media account: “We know why FETÖ, PKK and their global masters have turned against our president. For instance, let us take in hand TAMAM (enough) title on Twitter. Most of the tweets are posted from countries where FETÖ and PKK are active. Most of them are bot accounts.
“I don’t intend to bring the opposition under suspicion but don’t the opposition should differentiate its language and discourse from anti-Turkey powers that attack our President?
“We will meet with the keyboard warriors who don’t know what ballot box means”. (AS/TK)