Survey: CHP's Kılıçdaroğlu would win second round of Presidential elections

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The Gezici Research company has shared the results of its latest election poll conducted in February 2022.
With the participants asked, "For which party would you vote if we had general elections this Sunday," the potential vote rates of 17 political parties have been identified. The survey results have shown that the margin between the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) has been narrowing.
If CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu ran for President, current President and AKP Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan would lose by 5 percentage points in the second round, according to the survey results.
When participants were asked, "Who do you think can solve the economic problems of the country", the Nation Alliance of the CHP and the İYİ Party received 2.5 percentage points more than the People's Alliance of the AKP and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).
When asked about their concerns, a majority of the participants expressed their concerns about the country's future.
The voting rates of parties
According to the survey results, the voting rates of political parties would be as follows in case of a general election in Turkey this Sunday:
AKP: 30.4 percent
CHP: 28.2 percent
İYİ Party: 11.3 percent
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP): 10.1 percent
MHP: 9.2 percent
DEVA Party: 2.2 percent
Future Party: 1.4 percent
Homeland Party: 1.2 percent
Victory Party: 1.2 percent
New Welfare Party (YRP): 1 percent
Movement for Change in Turkey (TDP): 0.9 percent
Democrat Party (DP): 0.9 percent
Felicity Party (SP): 0.8 percent
Grand Unity Party (BBP): 0.6 percent
Workers' Party of Turkey (TİP): 0.4 percent
Patriotic Party: 0.1 percent
Democratic Left Party (DSP): 0.1 percent
According to these survey results, four political parties would pass the 10-percent electoral threshold if Turkey had elections this Sunday: The ruling AKP, main opposition CHP, İYİ Party and HDP.
Presidential elections
The results have also shown that if the President could not be determined in the first round of elections, CHP's Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu would receive more votes than President and AKP Chair Erdoğan:
Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu: 52.6 percent
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan: 47.4 percent
When participants were asked, "Who do you think can solve Turkey's economic problems," 40.1 percent opted for the opposition Nation's Alliance while 37.6 percent chose the ruling People's Alliance.
When the floating voters are distributed, the Nation Alliance has received 51.6 percent while the People's Alliance has received 48.4 percent.
Level of concern
When they were asked whether they were concerned about the country's future, 69.2 percent said, "Yes" and 30.8 percent said, "No". (AEK/SD)