Poll: Opposition alliance leads, HDP to receive over 10 percent

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The Avrasya Public Opinion Research Center has shared the results of its politics survey conducted in January 2022. The results of the survey participated by 2,460 people froom 26 provinces have shown that 82.3 percent of the population feel that they are getting poorer.
In response to a question on whether they would support a decision to hold snap elections in Turkey, 62.1 percent answered in the affirmative while 20.5 percent said no and 17.4 percent "had no idea".
Without distributing the flying votes, the voting rates of the parties would be as follows in the event of a snap election in the country:
Main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) - 28.1 percent
Ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) - 27.5 percent
İYİ Party - 11.2 percent
Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) - 9 percent
Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) - 5.1 percent
DEVA Party - 3.1 percent
When the flying votes are distributed, the rates stand at;
CHP - 31.5 percent
AKP - 30.8 percent
İYİ Party - 12.6 percent
HDP - 10.1 percent
MHP - 5.7 percent
In other words, in case of a snap election, the opposition Nation's Alliance of the CHP and İYİ Party would get 44.1 percent while the ruling People's Alliance of the AKP and MHP would get 36.5 percent.
Difficulty making ends meet
When respondents were asked about the change in their purchasing power following the increases in the minimum wage and pensions in late 2021, 82.3 percent said that their purchasing power has dropped while 14.7 percent said that it has not changed. Only 3 percent of the respondents answered that their purchasing power has increased.
While 73.2 percent of respondents find the economic policies of the government unsuccessful, 14.7 percent find them partly successful. 12.1 percent said that they support the policies of the government. When its policies in general are concerned, 68.8 percent are not content with them while 20 percent are content and 11.2 percent are partly content.
Trust in the opposition?
When asked about how successful they find the opposition, 39 percent said that they find it successful while 42.9 percent find it unsuccessful. 18.1 percent of the respondents find it partly successful.
When all voters were asked, "Which parties would receive the most votes in your family / friend / work circles and neighborhood if Parliamentary elections were held today", 64.3 percent opted for the opposition parties while 31.2 opted for parties in the ruling alliance.
When the same question was asked for the Presidential elections, 48.2 percent of respondents opted for a candidate to be nominated by opposition parties while 39.1 percent opted for the ruling parties.
According to the survey results, 72.3 percent are of the opinion that the votes of the ruling People's Alliance have dropped when compared to the last Parliamentary elections. While 2.5 percent think that its votes have increased, 25.2 percent say that they have not changed.
While 71 percent think that the opposition's votes have increased in the same period, 1.1 percent said their votes have dropped. 27.9 percent of the respondents are of the opinion that their votes have not changed.
The survey results have shown that in the event of main opposition CHP Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu being nominated as the joint candidate of the opposition parties, 39.9 percent would vote for him while 38.1 percent would opt for AKP Chair and President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
As a joint candidate of the opposition, 43.3 percent would support İstanbul Metropolitan Mayor Ekrem İmamoğlu from the CHP, against whom President Erdoğan would get 37.1 percent of the votes. As a joint candidate, 43 percent say that they would vote for Ankara Metropolitan Mayor Mansur Yavaş from the CHP. In this case, Erdoğan would receive 36.5 percent of the votes, according to the survey results. (AEK/SD)