Students Condemned to 60 Years Imprisonment
During the demonstrations in Ankara, the security forces had intervened and took 50 students under custody, while many others were injured by use of force by the police.
40 students among them were charged and the case ended recently.
Ankara 11th High Criminal Court condemned two students to 10 years in prison on grounds of "being member to an illegal organization and disposing of explosives".
20 other students were condemned to 18 months while six of them to 30 months.
Lawyer of the students, Ali Haydar Hakverdi said they would appeal to the ruling. He reminded the court that his clients are students and the case interfered with their right to education.
In the past, 33 students in Trache University have been condemned to 3 years imprisonment for "damaging public property" following a spring festivity at the campus.
A central body, which controls all universities in the country, YÖK, has been established following the military coup of 1980.
Each year, students protest it as an obstacle in front of the sovereignity and free speech at the institutions.(AÖ/EÜ)
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