Presidency not an Issue on the Street
We talked to people in Tarlabasi and Dolapdere, two poor districts behind central Taksim (Istanbul). All people there wanted was "stability". There was no one who knew about the president's authorities, his/her functions, and no one who cared who would be elected.
After the presidential elections, in which Gül had been the sole candidate, were boycotted by the opposition, general elections had been moved forward from November to July. Now that the AKP has increased its votes, the presidential election is on the agenda again.
"I don't know what powers the president has", said Gülümser Kar. Aliye Göksu only knew that "there is a need for a minister at the top of the government. Gülümser's son Jehat thinks that "the president is like a school class captain."
Ali Nehir, car park attendant: The presidency controversy has been exaggerated. When Sezer became president, what happened? We never once saw his face. Actually I think that the president needs to represent Turkey well, particularly abroad. Demirel and Özal were good at that. Gül, with his ministry experience, may be good at it, too.
Hasan Büyük, car spare parts salesman: The president does not have a lot of power. I think it is more a representative office. The reason why the army does not want Gül may be Gül's political past. They think that Turkey will become reactionary. But I don't think this government is aiming to be obstinate.
Besime Günes, textile machine operator: It would be good if the president were someone who had not been discussed before. Gül's candidacy and election would only increase the tension. I personally don't think that there is a reason for Gül not to be elected. But the army did not want him.
Aysel Asur, housewife: It does not matter to me. I want our pensions to be paid regularly. I have heard that the economic crisis was due to reactions from [current president] Ahmet Nejdet Sezer. The President can be more powerful than the Prime Minister. I voted for the AKP because we had no economic crisis during their time in government. I find Gül well-meaning.
Kadir Aymaz, unemployed: I voted for the AKP. The reason was not the presidency. Actually, Erdogan could have become president. When they did not allow that, Gül became a candidate. They did not allow that either. Now I think they will sit down together and come to an agreement.
Zeynep Balik, preparing for university: I voted for the independent candidate. I would not be uncomfortable if Gül became president. Just the opposite, I would like him to be. It would show that civil movements can achieve something.
Levent Özsoy, electrician: I don't think the president is useful for anything. We only see their photos. However, seeing as there has been such a noise about the election, there must be a side to it which we don't see. I don't understand according to which criteria they select him/her. The wife of the president should not wear a headscarf, have short hair, be tall, ...does that make sense?
Gündüz Erbay, telephone operator: I think Sezer was cold. But Gül also hides his real aims. They fear that the army will limit the power of the president. But some powers should maybe be limited. At least the people need to know them. We are not informed about anything. (AÖ/EÜ/AG)
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