Statement by HDP After Central Executive Board Meeting: August 19 Civilian Coup

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Holding an emergency meeting after Metropolitan Mayors of Diyarbakır, Van and Mardin have been removed from office by the Ministry of Interior, Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) Central Executive Board has held an emergency meeting. Speaking to journalists after the meeting, HDP Co-Chair Sezai Temelli has stated the following in brief:
"This morning, we have woken up to a dark day again. Unfortunately, the government, the block of Justice and Development Party (AKP) - Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), the regime of Erdoğan have added just another dark page, just another page of shame to the history of Turkey.
'Unable to rule Turkey, it sees violence legitimate'
"August 19 has gone down in Turkey's history as a civilian coup. Yes, it will be remembered as such. When we woke up this morning, we saw that our three metropolitan mayors have been removed from office and trustees have been appointed in their place.
"This government, which has come to such a point where it cannot rule the country without appointing trustees, now says, 'I am incapable of doing it, I cannot rule the country.'
"Yes, it cannot rule the country and, as it cannot rule it, it sees violence against the country as legitimate. As it loses its own legitimacy, as it loses its basis of legitimacy, it keeps on imposing violence, pressure and regime of trustees on the peoples of Turkey.
"Yes, the civilian coup of August 19 is a continuation of the coup mechanics of September 12 [1980].
'Hidden State of Emergency regime still in effect'
"We experienced it in the period of State of Emergency, we experienced a long State of Emergency period when trustees were appointed to municipalities, democratic administration was abolished and our co-chairs, co-mayors and MPs were arrested.
"While the ones who have shaped their government on the State of Emergency regime impose a made-up system called Presidential Government System, they now impose a hidden State of Emergency regime.
'There is an attack on the streets of Diyarbakır'
"But, there is violence, there is cruelty on the streets of Diyarbakır, there is a state attacking the ones who lay claim to their municipality with Anti-Riot Water Cannon Vehicles and gas.
"The state has lost its law, the state has moved away from being a Constitutional state of law.
"This government that cannot accept we came to power in local governments is not taking a break from attacking HDP, which has revealed the deficit of and demand for democracy through local governments.
"They have detained again hundreds of our friends today, they are raiding houses. None of our friends are guilty.
'An attack against the peoples' will'
"This attack is against the peoples of Turkey, this attack is against the people who have consented to democracy. It is an attack against the will of the peoples of Turkey all across Turkey.
"The ousted mayor is the mayor of Diyarbakır, the mayor of Van, the Mayor of Mardin; but, the attack is against İstanbul, İzmir, Adana, Mersin, Trabzon. It is an attack against the elected in all parts of Turkey.
"We are making a call to whole Turkey: It is now time to take initiative on the side of democratic politics.
"Just as they disregarded the will of the voters after the local elections on March 31, did not grant the certificates of election to our mayors elect with the traps that they set and rigged the elections in several places...
"They even appointed a trustee to İstanbul; but, just as the necessary answer was given to these actions on June 23 by finding a middle ground in democracy, we will again give the necessary answer.
"The first important step in democracies is perhaps the ballot box, the important step here is laying claim to the will of the ballot box. This government has lost this respect, it has lost this will.
'We won't await democracy, we will ensure it together'
"This government is escaping from democracy, but we are going after this government with our struggle for democracy.
"We are making a call to the whole public again: It is now time to join the struggle for democracy. We will never abandon this basis [of democracy].
"We will not wait for democracy from somewhere or from certain people. We will stand side by side and we will all together ensure that democracy will win, peace will win." (PT/SD)