Spring Term Begins With “Big Lesson” At Ankara University

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The spring term at Ankara University which had its 78 academics discharged by the last Statutory Decree has begun with the lecture "Big Lesson".
There was a high level of participation at the organization held by Education and Science Workers' Union Ankara Bureau No. 5 Students' at the Cebeci Campus of Faculty of Political Science.
Almost all of the students of the courses held by academics who were discharged by the statutory decree attended the lecture "Great Lesson".
Following the discharges, the academics were not allowed in the campus on February 10 and there was police violence. Today (February 13) however, there was no police at the campus.
The students placed the photographs and name tags of the discharged academics at the university.
330 academics from 48 universities were discharged by the Statutory Decree No:686 issued in February in the State of Emergency.
The largest number of discharges occurred at Ankara University which has its 117 academics discharged in total by now. (BK/DG)