4,464 Public Officials Discharged by Statutory Decree No. 686

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Statutory Decree No. 686 has been published in the Official Gazette. Those who have been discharged from public service in the State of Emergency and others who were given back their positions are also listed in the new statutory decree.
With the new statutory decree, 4,464 were discharged from public service and 17 others were given back their positions.
Also 330 academics were discharged by the statutory decree including celebrated figures in their fields such as Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kaboğlu, constitutional law expert from Marmara University and Assoc. Prof. Murat Sevinç.
Discharges according to institutions
893 public officials from Gendarmerie General Directorate
417 public officials from Security General Directorate
2,585 public officials from Ministry of National Education
10 public officials from the Presidency of Supreme Court of Appeals
10 public officials from Supreme Electoral Council
1 public officials from Capital Markets Board
2 public officials from Prime Ministry Presidency of Housing Development Administration
88 public officials from the Turkish Radio and Television Corporation
2 public officials from General Directorate for Foundations
3 public officials from the Ministry of European Union
48 public officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
15 public officials from the Ministry of Economy
49 public officials from Ministry of Interior
3 public officials from Coast Guard Command
16 public officials from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism
330 public officials from Council of Higher Education (HK/DG)