Sit-in against Dismissal in TOFAŞ

In Bursa province, workers staged sit-in against dismissal of two workers due to previous month’s strike in TOFAŞ (Turkish Automotive Company).
In May, Tofaş workers went on strike for pay rise and union right. After 10 days of strike, employers and employees made an agreement.
The employer guaranteed none of the employees would be dismissed due to the strike. However, two workers were dismissed due to strike yesterday. That’s why, Tofaş workers went on strike again this morning.
What happened?
On May 14, 5.600 Renault workers stopped working for pay rise. Almost all of Renault workers resigned from Metal Workers Trade Union of Turkey.
Workers from factories like TOFAŞ, Coşkunöz, MAKO and Ototrim stopped working soon after. Workers demanded rise in wages based on collective labor agreement (TİS). TİS was contracted Dec 14, 2014 between Metal Workers Trade Union of Turkey (Türk Metal) and Turkey’s Metal Industrialists Union (MESS) and the contract includes years between 2014 and 2017. After TOFAŞ, Coşkunöz, MAKO and Ototrim, an agreement between employers and employee was made in Renault. (NV/BD)
* Photo Credit: Anatolia Agency/ Elif Özlem Çelikler
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