Second Nolle Prosequi to Alabora’s Gezi Tweet

Prosecutors once more dismissed probe in the case of Memet Ali Alabora, an actor and prominent Gezi Park activist who was sued for encouraging a crime.
“The point is not Gezi Park, friend. Didn’t you get it yet? Come join us. #direngeziparkı” Alabora tweeted on May 30.
The aforementioned decision was taken by Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office, saying that the complaint maker İlker Şahin was not directly affected with no tangible basis and similar complaint has already been dismissed. no tangible
Previously, İlker Şahin complaint that Alabora’s tweet “contributed to an online environment to harm the nation”.
On July 27, Istanbul Prosecutor’s Office dismissed probe, saying that “the tweet was inapt for committing a crime and didn’t include provocative expressions” after launching an investigation according to Turkish Penal Code Article 214 which was related to “overtly encouraging crime”. (BK/BM)