Nolle Prosequi in Alabora Tweet Case

Prosecutors discontinued charges in the case of Memet Ali Alabora, an actor and prominent Gezi Park activist who was sued for encouraging a crime.
“The point is not Gezi Park, friend. Didn’t you get it yet? Come join us. #direngeziparkı” Alabora tweeted on May 30.
The complaint was submitted by Mikail Kılıç from the southeastern province of Antep. Upon that, prosecutors launched an investigation according to Turkish Penal Code Article 214 on “encouraging a crime”.
According to various newspapers, chief prosecutor Hüseyin Aslan discontinued charged yesterday.
“Right to democratic reaction”
In the explained statement, Prosecutor Aslan wrote that it was “impossible” to “encourage a crime” via the aforementioned tweet message as it did not set conditions for committing a crime.
Another investigation launched by prosecutor Ali İhsan Demirel on the same tweet for “overtly encouraging a crime” was also left nolle prosequi.
Alabora sued Yeni Şafak newspaper for 1 TL
Previously, Memet Ali Alabora filed a lawsuit against Yeni Şafak newspaper for 1 TL, saying that their coverage on Gezi Resistance protests violated his personality rights.
He claimed that the newspaper targeted towards him through its coverage on “Mi Minör [M Minor in Turkish]” - a theatre piece that Alabora acted and directed himself.
Yeni Şafak newspaper made extensive coverage on Mi Minör, a theater piece that Memet Ali Alabora directed and acted himself to support Gezi Resistance, saying that it was the “rehearsal of a civil coup attempt”.
Addressing inquiries during a conference in Cağaloğlu Journalists Society, Alabora said he was surprised to see Yeni Şafak arrive into such “mind-challenging” conclusion.
“They are trying to pull me into a riddle. My life is not secure, I have applied for protection through my lawyers. Lastly, I owe an acknowledgment to Yeni Şafak newspaper for taking theaters this seriously . It is no longer possible to create a societal response through theaters,” he said. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.