‘Right of Asylum is a Fundamental Human Right, Stop Deportations’

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In the wake of news and statements regarding the imminent deportation of Syrians, the Human Rights Association (İHD) and Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) have released statements regarding the issue.
In its statement, the İHD has emphasized that the deportation of refugees will violate the right of asylum and prohibition of deportation guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights, the Law on Foreigners and International Protection, 1951 Geneva Convention and its Additional Protocol. The İHD has made a call to authorities to end this practice.
Denouncing the recent statements of Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu about the issue, the İHD has underlined that the war and conflicts are still continuing in countries such as Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan and indicated that deporting the foreigners who have come to Turkey will be a violation of their fundamental human rights.
Some highlights from the İHD's statement are as follows:
'We call Turkey to fulfil its obligations'
"In addition to the grave, vital problems experienced by foreigners, these deportation practices mean that Turkey is violating its obligations arising from international agreements and contravening the domestic law.
"We are calling the state authorities to abide by the international agreements governing the right of asylum as a fundamental human right, to enforce this right for foreigners in Turkey and to fulfill its obligation of non-refoulement.
"The right of asylum is a fundamental human right. Put an immediate halt to the practice of deporting foreigners."
TİHV: Concerning in terms of rights and freedoms
The Human Rights Foundation of Turkey (TİHV) has also released a statement on the forced and collective deportation of Syrians.
Referring to the recent developments as "concerning in terms of fundamental rights and freedoms", the Foundation has emphasized that the right to asylum and freedom of travel are fundamental rights. It has also underlined that the rights of migrants, especially the right to life, are guaranteed by agreements at the international level and by laws at the national level.
"Allegations of beating and ill treatment during deportation procedures are being put forward and these allegations, which mean a violation of the absolute prohibition of torture, are especially worrying", the TİHV has further indicated and added, "Restriction of migrants' freedom of travel and enforced residence mean that their fundamental rights and freedoms are denied."
Concluding its statement, the TİHV has also raised concerns over the recent lynch attempts and hate speech towards the refugees in Turkey as well as politicians' criminalizing and antagonizing statements about theö. The Foundation has stated, "The mass deportation of Syrians causes them to be labeled as criminals in the society of Turkey." (HA/SD)