İstanbul Governorship Sets Deadline of August 20 for Syrians to Leave
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Ministry Of Interior Directorate General Of Migration Management announced on July 18 on social media that Syrians who were involved in crime and do not have a registration will be extradited and those who reside in different provinces than where they got their permission will be sent to the provinces where they were registered in.
After the statement, reports that say refugees are being sent back to Syria spread.
The Governorship of İstanbul today (July 22) released a statement on the matter, saying that refugees who do not return to their registered provinces within the given time will be sent upon an order by the Ministry of Interior.
"A time until August 20 has been given for foreigners of Syrian origin under temporary protection who do not have registrations in Istanbul (registered in other provinces) to return to the cities where there are registered.
"Those found not to have gone back will be transferred to the provinces of where there are registered in line with the order of our Interior Ministry."
The governorship said that İstanbul is closed to new temporary protection registrations and regular controls for necessary documents will be performed in bus terminals, railroad terminals, airports and all transport centers.
"In our province, there are a total of 1,069,860 registered foreigners, 522,381 of them being foreign nationals with a residence permit and 547,479 Syrian guests under temporary protection," the statement said, remarking that efforts against "irregular migration" will continue. (RT/EKN/VK)