Resolution Process Talks to Continue Today

People’s Democratic Party (HDP) Group Interim Chairperson Pervin Buldan said that they would continue the resolution process talks which the government suspended due to Kobane protests on October 6 and 8.
She said that their meeting today with Vice PM Akdoğan would mean the official continuation of resolution process talks and a delegation would head to Imrali Island next week to visit Abdullah Öcalan, PKK leader.
“Our meeting tomorrow [the statement was made on Sunday] will determine when we will head to Imrali Island. It seems likely that it will be around November 22 or 23.”
“This meeting will also clarify on the selection of the new names who will visit Imrali Island. All options will be discussed. The expension of delegation members and the selection of new deleguates will be clarified.”
“There is a demand on the making of mutual steps. It will synchronic: The government will also make a step forward. The process will enroll with mutual steps.”
Buldan also commented on PKK’s possible leaving of arms by an appeal of Öcalan: “This was mentioned on our last meeting with Mr Öcalan. If the steps are taken forward on a mutual basis and everything goes in harmony, an appeal can be made by March or April. It all depends on the next steps to come. (AS/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.