“If Negotiations Will Start, They Will Not Be Spread Through Years”

People’s Democratic Party Co-Chair Selahattin Demirtaş delivered PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan’s message regarding the resolution process between Turkey and PKK: “If negotiations will start, they will not be spread through years”
According to Demirtaş, Öcalan told Turkish state delegation that he would make a demilitarization appeal to PKK forces to be effectuated by April 2015, providing that the negotiations with Turkey will result in an agreement.
He also reported that PKK is favorable to this agreement as well.
Some of the highlights from Demirtaş’s speech were as follows:
* “One of the issues of the negotiations is the demilitarization, PKK’s leaving of arms forces. Ultimately, the government desires to agree with a demilitarized PKK. This is their natural anticipation.
* “Öcalan said that 'If negotiations will start, they will not be spread through years. This was my recommendation to the Turkish state. Let them come with their suggestions for a resolution. And I will discuss this in Imrali Island along with friends who will take part as advisors, secretaries. I have a road map in mind. Let’s realize this together, let’s realize this with their support.
* “Let’s sit around the table, you present your road map, I present mine. Third party observers watch the discussions Let’s discuss all topics one by one. It takes how long it takes.
* “If we come up with an agreement, I will make an appeal to PKK to hold a congress for demilitarization. I am ready for this. I presented this to the delegation.”
* “[Authorities in] Qandil and KCK supported this. We are ready to start negotiations around this formula. They said that they would be behind their leader. However, in the meanwhile, the dialogue has been interrupted.
* “The government claims that they have presented a roadmap. There is no such map. Mr Öcalan made a proposal. The dialogue was interrupted before replying.”
* “At the end of the talks, we think that a willingness has been established to return to pre-October 6-7 period. I have come to this understanding after the visits I had in the recent days. (YY/BM)
** Click here to read the article in Turkish.