Protest in front of SOCAR: 'Shut off the valves, do not be complicit in genocide'

The 1000 Youth for Palestine movement, formed by young people who came together during the support actions for Palestine two months after Israel's attacks on the Gaza Strip starting on October 7, 2023, protested the transportation of Azerbaijani oil to Israel through Turkey.
During the protest held in front of the Azerbaijan State Oil Company (SOCAR) Turkey Headquarters in Sarıyer, a banner was displayed with the message, "Turkey's largest foreign investor SOCAR is fueling Israel's genocide! - End trade with the occupier, SOCAR!"
During the demonstration, which saw heightened security measures, the frequently chanted slogans were: "Long live the global intifada", "Free Palestine from the river to the sea", "SOCAR's oil fuels Zionism", "Shut off the valves, end the trade", and "Azerbaijan sells, Turkey transports."
In the statement made on behalf of 1000 Youth for Palestine, it was highlighted that 60% of Israel's oil needs are met by Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan, with Azerbaijani oil transported to Turkey through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline and then shipped to Israel from the Ceyhan Port by tankers.
According to the statement, SOCAR sends 44,000 barrels of oil to Israel every day, with Israel sourcing crude oil from the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan Pipeline and refined oil from the STAR Refinery, owned by SOCAR.
1000 Youth for Palestine, noting that two cargo ships have departed from SOCAR's storage terminal to Israel in the last ten days, emphasized, "We will stand against those who are complicit in this crime by trading until the perpetrator of genocide, Israel, stops."
First action in front of Zorlu shopping mall
Demir Karabacak from 1000 Youth for Palestine recounted their past actions to bianet:
"When we first started, there were twenty of us. We opened a banner in front of Zorlu shopping mall, saying 'This luxurious shopping mall owner Zorlu is supplying electricity to the occupier.' Zorlu Holding's three power plants in Israel were meeting eight percent of Israel's electricity needs. At that time, we didn't know much about SOCAR. Later we organized actions at the Azerbaijan Consulate and the US Consulate to reach out to SOCAR."

Support rallies for Gaza held in 30 cities: 'Trade with Israel, betrayal to Palestine'
"MÜSİAD advances trade while referring to 'Muslim brothers'"
"Later on, there was an action targeting MÜSİAD (Independent Industrialists' and Businessmen's Association), which relentlessly advanced textile, fruit and vegetable, and construction material trade while openly referring to their 'Muslim brothers' at every opportunity. We staged a demonstration against MÜSİAD. A week later, when we attended a Young MÜSİAD event, we witnessed wealthy businessmen, who claimed to be 'helping Palestine, sending ships,' being protected by an army in luxurious hotels. We were there to expose this hypocrisy. Inside, they told us, 'It is said that some of our friends are engaging in trade; we will intervene in this matter.' Meanwhile, the vice president of MÜSİAD was sending us different messages via Twitter. Initially, he offered to meet, but later he started to write threatening things. MÜSİAD claimed to have initiated an investigation into its members as a result of the process, but there is no realistic aspect to this. After all, companies continue to engage in trade. Subsequently, we also staged a demonstration against TÜSİAD (Turkish Industry and Business Association), and finally, today, we are here in front of SOCAR."
"Oil is regularly transported from the Ceyhan Port to Israel"
Highlighting the importance of SOCAR, Karabacak stated, "Through the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, both Kazakhstan's and Azerbaijan's oil is transported to Israel. This trade also determines intergovernmental relations."
Karabacak continued by reminding that SOCAR is a partner of BOTAŞ in Turkey:
"Here, it is also an important figure in the natural gas and oil capital, as well as one of the main suppliers of fuel resources to Israel. Turkey's role here is linked to the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which the AKP government and Erdoğan have promoted for a long time. Through certain companies, oil is regularly transported from the Ceyhan Port to Israel. There is no interruption in this regard. While Erdogan promotes slogans like 'We stand with the Palestinian people,' he simultaneously supports this flow endlessly." (NK/AY/PE)