Support rallies for Gaza held in 30 cities: 'Trade with Israel, betrayal to Palestine'

With the slogan "Trade with Israel, betrayal to Palestine," support rallies for Gaza were held across Turkey on March 10th, organized by the "Resistance Tent" group in 30 cities. The demonstrations called for the complete cessation of all relations with Israel.
During the demonstrations, banners with messages such as "Trade with Israel, betrayal to Palestine - Cut the trade, close the bases; don't be complicit in genocide!" and "While Gaza dies of hunger, Turkey is the biggest supplier of fruits and vegetables to Israel" were displayed.
Protesters also expressed their dissatisfaction with Turkish companies involved with Israel, such as Zorlu Holding, Yılmazlar Construction with investments in Israel, and İÇDAŞ, the company exporting the most steel to Israel.
The joint statement read in all cities emphasized that Gaza has been under siege for 17 years, described as a 'concentration camp,' and despite this, Israel continues to kill people unabated.
In the statement, a call was made to the political authorities to sever all ties with Israel:
"Our goal is clear, our call is straightforward. The ruling power in Turkey must change its stance, genuinely opposing genocide, not just in words but in deeds, and stand by the Palestinian people. Civil society organizations and opinion leaders in Turkey must cut the rhetoric of support for Palestine and take action to expose those who support Israel, the local collaborators of the massacre in Gaza, and those who protect them."
Action plan
A three-point action plan was outlined in the statement:
1. Firstly, all possible means should be employed to ensure the uninterrupted and sufficient delivery of humanitarian aid to all parts of Gaza, free from Israeli control and restrictions.
2. Secondly, a broad and effective boycott, isolation, and sanctions should be imposed on Israel. Turkey's borders, ports, and airspace should be entirely closed to Zionism, the war criminal, occupier, and genocidal terrorist state of Israel. The most concrete and urgent response to this call is the complete cessation of all shipments from Turkey to Israel.
3. Thirdly, the Incirlik military base, which protects Israel, and the Kürecik Radar base should be closed and completely cleansed of Western powers, especially the United States.
The statement also addressed Turkish companies continuing trade relations with Israel and Azerbaijan's national oil company Socar, warning:
"We address the bosses of the bloody capital fed by the spoils of war: You won't sleep comfortably anymore!
Zorlu Holding, continuing to sell electricity to Israel while babies in Gaza die in hospitals due to lack of energy!
İÇDAŞ, sending Israel its steel with ships, amassing wealth while Gaza is bombed every day!
Socar, fueling Zionist planes and tanks while tens of thousands are killed in Gaza!
Limak and Akçansa, supplying Israel's cement, continuing shipments while Gaza's streets, neighborhoods, and cities are leveled!
Those who chant slogans for Palestine in public but benefit from the spoils of war behind closed doors! We will disturb your peace!" (VC/VK)