President Erdoğan: Resolution Process Got Out of Hand

The president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said resolution process got out of hand and if PKK didn’t cease fire, it would bear the consequences.
Headlines from the President Erdoğan’s statements:
Resolution process
“Whenever we made a stride about resolution process, separatist terrorist organization, PKK, abused our good intentions and democratic attitude towards fundamental rights and freedoms.
“Resolution process got out of hand.”
Attacks and illegal organizations in Northern Syria made Turkey take a step about the situation. DAESH is a terrorist organization and Turkey is sensitive about it.”
Operations will go on
“This night, first operation was launched against ISIS. Moreover, the police carried out operations in 16 provinces of Turkey. Many defendants were detained.
“These operations aren’t limited to last night and they will go on.
“Our targets are evident: PKK, DAESH and DHKPC. They are all terrorist organizations.
“State of Turkey is determined to take due precautions.
“We won’t let another fraction supersede the state. Name of it doesn’t matter; parallel structure or not. These threats are against our national security.
President Erdoğan suggested people ‘not to live in an atmosphere of fear’, when journalists asked his opinion about people who were worried about the forthcoming war.
“We have martyrs, on the other hand. It is surely beyond doubt that they fall dead for the sake of our state. However, terrorist organizations will pay the price. “
“When media supports national unity not terrorist organizations, everything will be different.
Security gap
“Everyone has their democratic rights but masked and armed people cannot roam in the streets of İstanbul. If it is so, that means a security gap.
PKK should cease fire. If not, it will bear the consequences. It is as simple as that.
“There may be a coalition government or not. We will make a stride according to the willpower of the nation. It will take 90 days, already.
“Meanwhile, our country won’t be leaderless. Interim government will do the job.” (YY/BD)
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