PM Davutoğlu: Instructions Are Clear Whoever Threatens Our Border

Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu made a statement related to air operation against ISIS, latest attacks against Turkey and operations against terrorist organizations.
Headlines from the statement of PM Davutoğlu:
Operations will go on
DAESH, PKK and DHKPC targeted Turkey. We cannot be inert. Our security units came together in yesterday’s security meeting. Operations will go on. It is not limited to a region or a period of time. Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) and National Intelligence Organization (MİT) counselors were given detailed instructions.
This morning, our armed forces destroyed successfully DAESH targets near Turkey-Syria border.
Instructions are clear whoever threatens our border
From now on, instructions are clear whoever threatens our border. We assigned TSK. Due precautions will be taken without further notice.
The U.S.A was informed
We informed the U.S.A and our ally countries but Syria government wasn’t informed.
297 detention
An operation was launched by thousands of policemen against DAESH, PKK and Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front (DHKP/C) in 16 provinces of Turkey. 297 people were detained. 54 people were detained related to police officers who were murdered in Ceylanpınar district of Urfa province, in southeastern Turkey.
Many weapons and ammo were captured. A member of DHKPC was caught dead.
Protests at the weekend
I was informed that some groups will demonstrate at the weekend. Everyone has right to assembly and demonstration in permitted places. However, nobody should try to demonstrate with masks and weapons in the streets of İstanbul using dead people as an excuse. Then, no one has right to ask why and how we intervene in. (NV/BD)
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