Police Intervention in Taksim Square

Police stormed Taksim Square on the 15th day of Gezi Park Resistance.
Around 7 am local time, police forces arrived in Taksim Square, removing political organization flags on the top of Ataturk Culture Center (AKM). Only a Turkish flag and Ataturk poster remained hung on the building.
All flags have been removed around the square, as well as tents. All personal belongings in tents have been confiscated by municipality officials.
In the meanwhile, police dispersed resisting protestors with gas bombs and water cannons. Few protestors with helmets have been observed throwing molotov cocktails at police, an incident that never took place since the beginning of Gezi protests.
Governor Avni Mutlu said that police will not intervene inside Gezi Park. “We will not intervene Gezi Park. Don’t throw stones at us. Look, we don’t attack people,” police vehicles amplified throughout the square - a call that resented protestors around Taksim Square.
Around the square, dozens of pedestrians have been affected by police intervention as they headed to work.
10:00: Two media representatives have been hospitalized due to head injuries caused by gas bomb canisters. In the meanwhile, Taksim Solidarity held talks with police forces, saying that they will withdraw all protestors inside Gezi Park.
Clashes resume around Talimhane zone, adjacent to Taksim Gezi Park. Several police forces and TOMAs [acronym for "Intervention Vehicle to Social Events"] are waiting in front AKM building.
10:30 Police removed protestors' barricades in Talimhane area. A turmoil broke as a group intervened municipality vehiles that transported water for TOMAs. A group of Gezi demostrators formed a chain by holding hands.
11:30 Police forces are awaiting outside Sıraselviler and Gümüşsuyu districts. The barricade in front of Intercontinental Hotel is still there; though dozers removed other barricades on the down side. Police maintains its position in Sıraselviler and AKM directions.
12:00 Armed police forces are descending from Sıraselviler to Gümüşsuyu. Protestors at Taksim Square are watching them go by with whistles and applause. A group resented over a protestors who threw a stone at police. However, police threw another gas bomb, dispersing the crowd.
12:30 Polis maintains its waiting in front of AKM. People who remain in the square are waiting by police barricades. Taksim Solidarity will have a press statement at 1pm local time.
12.40 Certain first aid material including water, anti-acid solutions are being transferred from Gezi Parkı to Taksim Sqaure. People are collecting gas bomb canisters.
Police gas during press statement
13:00 Police dispersed demonstrators with gas bombs and water cannons as Taksim Solidarity made their press statement. Affected by gas bombs, Taksim Solidarity members read the statement that went from hand to hand.
13:20 Taksim Solidarity made an appeal to protest police violence at 7pm local time tonight.
13:30 Police intervention resumed heavily with gas and sound bombs. Injured protestors are being transferred to Gezi Park. A crowd is waiting by the stairs, they are sending gas bombs back to where they first came.
The video depicts the moment and aftermath of attacks in front of AKM. Injured protestors are being transferred to Gezi Park. A plastic bullet hit my leg from far distance and there are other plastic bullets that hit my friends from a closer distance, a young woman said.
13:40 A gas bomb was casted into Gezi Parkı. Several gas bombs are casted from the stairs into the park.
13:54 Roughly 200 policemen passed by the entrance of Gezi Park. Some gas bombs hit where Peace and Democracy Party and feminists were located. Two demonstrators were reportedly hit by plastic bullets.
13:59 Police is waiting outside the stairs by the entrance. A group is chanting slogans “Police out”.
14:05 Police is withdrawing by AKM. But police attacks maintain from Atatürk Mausoleum to Şişli direction.
14:10 4 injured were transferred to hospitals by ambulances for the past 10 minutes. Two injured suffer from head trauma, while another is suspected to have broken bones in his arm. Voluntary doctors are treating those who have minor injuries.
14:16 Ambulance #7 arrived at Gezi. Ambulance #8 also arrived. 4 ambulances are ready to admit patients at the moment.
14:25 Another unconscious young individual has been carried to the ambulance.
14:28 Another demonstrator who was hit by a canister in the head has been carried to an ambulance. Sounds bombs are being casted.
14:30 A man who was reportedly hit by sticks has been carried to a nearby hotel and them transferred to a hospital in suspicion of inner bleeding.
14:40 6 demonstrators are waiting by the open section of Gezi Infirmary.
14.45 An ambulance transferred an unconscious young individual from Gezi Park to a hospital.
14:50 A girl passed out as she was helping other injured people. While she was carried to an ambulance, another man, who was suspected for broken bones in his arm has been carried to the same ambulance. Infirmary stated: We have no gravely injured in the infirmary.
15:00 Police is still waiting in the square and Talimhane zone and responding protestors stones with sound bombs and gas.
15:30 Clashes resume in Talimhane.
15:58 67 demonstrators were admitted to Gezi Park infirmary with at least 4 hospitalized due to hits. The situation of a demonstrator remains critical.
16:00 Protestors are setting up barricades again around Talimhane area.
16:30 Stones were thrown at a location nearby policemen at journalists who were taking photos around Taksim Square. Injuries were avoided as journalists noticed the stones.
17:03 Police casted gas bombs at the park towards Talimhane direction. A canister hit near Gezi Infirmary. A tent was filled with tear gas. Police gas attacks resume despite warnings.
17:10 According to information from Gezi Parkı, today’s injury report is as follows: 14 head traumas, 11 broken bones, 7 asthma attacks, 1 epileptic attack, 5 cuts, 6 gas burns, 340 gas affections, 1 stroke.
17:21 Police attacks resume from Taksim to Talimhane. Hundreds of people march to Taksim from Elmadağ.
The photograph shows plastic bullets fired by police.
18.28 No gas in Gezi Park. People calmed down.
Governor Mutlu: We are here to avoid flags and banners
Istanbul Governor Hüseyin Avni Mutlu said via twitter that police would remain in front AKM building to “avoid hanging of flags and banners at night”, but added that there would not be “a police siege in Gezi Park”.
Governor’s tweet messages after 5pm included:
“As we promised in the morning, we only removed banners and flag in the area. However, clashes 1 police officer and 1 citizen wounded”
“Our police officer was wounded in his thighs while our citizen suffered from head trauma. I wish both of them speed recovery."
“The information I provided on the injured is related to those who were hospitalized. 28 were treated without being hospitalized.
“Provocateurs don’t seem to stop. They are spreading the rumor that police will siege the park tonight. This is a definite lie. We will remain in front of AKM building.
“Our waiting in front of Atatürk Culture Center is only to prevent the hanging of banners and flags overnight. For your information."
19.00 Police withdrew in front of AKM building. (NV/BK/ÇÖ/NV)