Police intervention against Boğaziçi University protest in İzmir

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The protests against Melih Bulu, the appointed rector of Boğaziçi University in İstanbul, have been going on in several parts of the country.
A group of university students made a call for protest in Alsancak in Turkey's Aegean province of İzmir; however, the police intervened into the protest by firing tear gas and plastic bullets at students.
Sharing the below tweet, the İzmir University Solidarity platform has attached the note, "Our friends who want to enter the site for the press statement are being detained with torture." While the platform has announced that several students have been taken into custody, students have chanted the slogan, "Pressures cannot intimidate us."
Basın açıklaması için alana girmek isteyen arkadaşlarımız işkenceyle gözaltına alınıyor
— İzmir Üniversite Dayanışması (@dayanismauni) February 3, 2021
'Police violence is an insult to human dignity'
The Boğaziçi Solidarity platform has also shared a video of the police intervention against the protests in İzmir. "What kind of an atrocity is this! The cruel violence of the police against the democratic protests of students in İzmir is an insult to human dignity. We don't accept, we don't give up! We don't get intimidated, we don't get silent," the platform has said.
Bu nasıl bir vahşet! İzmir'de öğrencilerin demokratik protestolarına polislerin acımasızca şiddet göstermesi insanlık onuruna hakarettir. Kabul etmiyoruz, vazgeçmiyoruz. YILMIYORUZ SUSMUYORUZ!#HerYerBoğaziçiHerYerDireniş
— Boğaziçi Dayanışması (@boundayanisma) February 3, 2021
CLICK - Police fire tear gas, plastic bullets at Boğaziçi students
In the video shared by the İzmir University Platform, it is seen that students are being detained by being battered. In the below tweet, the solidarity platform has said, "The police violence is continuing in the Alsancak coast. They attack our friends with pepper gas and plastic bullets and detain them in rear handcuffs. Your detentions, arrests, pressures cannot intimidate us!"
Alsancak sahilde polis saldırısı devam ediyor.
— İzmir Üniversite Dayanışması (@dayanismauni) February 3, 2021
Arkadaşlarımıza biber gazı, plastik mermiyle saldırıp ters kelepçeyle gözaltına alıyorlar.
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