Police attack Boğaziçi University protests in Ankara

* Photos: Twitter/Mülkiye Dayanışması
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A group of people gathered in Kızılay in Turkey's capital city of Ankara to protest both the appointment of a rector to Boğaziçi University and the detention of several students protesting the appointment.
Several people have been detained.
CLICK - Police storm Boğaziçi University, detain 51 students
According to the statement of the Solidarity Platform of Ankara University Faculty of Political Science (Mülkiye Dayanışması), around 60 people have been battered and detained by the police.
Students from different universities also attempted to gather in front of the Çankaya District Municipality to express their support for the ongoing protests at Boğaziçi University. Trying to prevent students from gathering in the side streets of Kızılay, the police closed the road to traffic.
In the social media messages shared about the police intervention, it was seen that the protests went on in the side streets. It was also seen that one of the protesters was battered by the police while being detained and had his teeth broken as a result of the attack.
On the other side, some people were seen to be denouncing the police intervention by sounding the horns of their vehicles and booing while the police were intervening into the protest of the students.
Gözaltına alınırken polis tarafından darp edilen arkadaşımızın dişleri kırıldı.
— Mülkiye Dayanışması (@SBFDayanismasi) February 2, 2021
İnsanlık onuru işkenceyi yenecek!#AşağıBakmayacağız https://t.co/5w22FLIORd pic.twitter.com/d1pBrDyZux
Middle East Technical University (METU) Must Be Defended platform and the Solidarity Platform of Ankara University Faculty of Political Science have also announced that while the detained were being taken to the State Railways Hospital for a medical examination, they were kept waiting in the detention vehicles in rear handcuffs.
Kızılay'da Boğaziçi Direnişi'ne destek için toplanan öğrencilere henüz eylem başlamadan polis saldırdı. Gözaltılar var. #AsağıyaBakmayacağız pic.twitter.com/u3lA3dQJjU
— ODTÜ Savunulmalıdır (@OdtuSavunulmali) February 2, 2021