Only 5 Percent of Women Nominated on 1st Place

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931 of 4,200 candidates, marking 22 percent, of the seven parties to enter the election are women
Only 5.4 percent of the women candidates have been nominated at first place only in 49 cities.
It was the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP) and Patriotic Party which proposed the most number of women for candidacy. The party with the least number of women candidates has become the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).
Justice and Development Party (AKP): 4 women candidates on the first place
Women constituted 21 percent of the AKP candidates; there are 126 women and 474 men in the list of 600 people.
AKP nominated women candidates on the first place only in four cities: Jülide Sarıeroğlu (Adana), İlknur İnceöz (Aksaray), Arzu Aydın (Bolu), Fatma Aksal (Edirne).
Rate of the women in the past
Rate of women the AKP nominated were 18 percent in June 2015 elections and 12 percent in November 2015 elections.
Rate of women MPs
The rate of women MPs in the AKP following the June 2015 election was 15.5 percent (40 women-218 men).
The rate of women MPs in the AKP following the November 2015 election was 11 percent (35 women-282 men).
CHP: 6 women candidates on the first place
Women constituted 21 percent of the CHP candidates, there are 126 women and 474 men in the list of 600 people.
CHP proposed two women on the first place for candidacy in six cities: Burcu Köksal (Afyonkarahisar), Aysu Bankoğlu (Bartın), İkbal Okur (Bayburt), Lale Karabıyık (Bursa), Gülizar Biçer Karaca (Denizli), Fatma Kaplan Hürriyet (Kocaeli).
Rate of the women in the past
Rate of women the CHP nominated were 18.7 percent in June 2015 elections and 18 percent in November 2015 elections.
Rate of women MPs
The rate of women MPs in the CHP following the June 2015 election was 15.9 percent (21 women-111 men).
The rate of women MPs in the AKP following the November 2015 election was 15.5 percent (21 women-113 men).
HDP: 18 women candidates on the first place
Women constituted 36.7 percent of the HDP candidates: There are 220 women and 380 men in the list of 600 people.
HDP nominated women candidates on the first place in 18 cities: Tülay Hatimoğlulları (Adana), Nevin Aytekin (Afyonkarahisar), Filiz Kerestecioğlu (Ankara 1. Bölge), Nuray Türkmen Canlı (Ankara 2. Bölge), Nesibe Yöyler (Balıkesir), Nazlı Çoban (Çankırı), Şerife Yıldırım (Denizli), Pınar Aytekin Özgüç (Erzincan), Leyla Güven (Hakkari), Fatma Kurtulan (Mersin), Pervin Buldan (İstanbul 1. Bölge), Serpil Kemalbay (İzmir 1. Bölge), Sultan Özcan (Muğla), Gülüstan Kılıç Koçyiğit (Muş), Çiçek Arıç (Sakarya), Mediha Oya Yağcı (Samsun), Meral Danış Beştaş (Siirt), Ayşe Gül Kafkas (Sinop).
HDP nominated LGBTI activist Hasan Atik on the fourth place in Edirne. No HDP candidate has been elected in Edirne to date.
The rate of women MP candidates in the past
In the June 2015 elections, the rate of women MP candidates was 44 percent while in the November 2015 elections, the rate of women was 41 percent.
The rate of women MPs
After the elections in June 2015, the rate of women HDP MPs was 40 percent (32 women - 48 men).
After the elections in November 2015, the rate of women HDP MPs was 38.9 percent (23 women - 36 men).
İYİ Party: 6 women MP candidates on the first place
Women have accounted for 25 percent of the MP candidates announced by the İYİ Party. Of 600 candidates, 150 of them are women while 450 of them are men.
İYİ Party has nominated women MP candidates on the first place in six provinces: Filiz Akyüz (Artvin), Ayşe Şükran Alptekin (Erzincan), Dilek Tanrıkulu (Hakkari), Aylin Cesur (Isparta), Zuhal Çiftkaya (Urfa), Neşe Yılmaz (Uşak).
MHP: 2 women MP candidates on the first place
Women have accounted for 11.5 percent of the MP candidates announced by the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP). Of 600 candidates, 69 of them are women and 531 of them are men.
MHP has nominated women MP candidates on the first place in two provinces: Deniz Depboylu (Aydın), Sevim Köseliören (Ardahan).
The rate of women MP candidates in the past
The rate of women MP candidates of the MHP in June 2015 elections was not announced and the party headquarters stated that they did not have information thereof. According to the news reports published on daily newspapers, the number of women MPs ranged from 40 to 61. In the November 2015 elections, the rate of women nominated as MP candidates was 14 percent.
The rate of women MPs
After the elections in June 2015, the rate of women MHP MPs was 5 percent (4 women - 76 men).
After the elections in November 2015, the rate of women MHP MPs was 7.5 percent (3 women - 37 men).
Felicity Party (SP): No women MP candidates on the first place
Women have accounted for 13 percent of the MP candidates announced by the Felicity Party (SP). Of 600 candidates, 79 of them are women and 521 of them are men.
SP has not nominated any women on the first place.
Patriotic Party: 13 women MP candidates on the first place
Women have accounted for 25 percent of the MP candidates announced by the Patriotic Party. Of 600 candidates, 150 of them are women and 450 of them are men.
Patriotic Party has nominated women MP candidates on the first place in 13 provinces: Nimet İlhan (Ağrı), Tülin Oygür (Ankara 1. Bölge), Mürvet Karataş (Bolu), Hatice Koyun (Elazığ), Lerzan Özgenç (Mersin), Selda Kılıç (Kırklareli), Meliha Atalay (Nevşehir), İnci Akkaya (Sakarya), Atike Sağıroğlu (Sinop), Handan Fatih (Tokat), Nihal Gündoğan (Dersim), Fatma Gül Arslan (Bartın), Hümeyra Yılmaz (Düzce).
Moreover, all of the MP candidates nominated for the provinces of Bolu and Düzce are women. The first woman Western classical music orchestra conductor of Turkey İnci Özdil has been nominated from the capital city of Ankara on the fourth place. (ÇT/TK/SD)