New Welfare Party proposes to limit duration of alimony

New Welfare Party (YRP) has submitted a proposal to the Parliament for the limitation of alimony duration to five years.
Fatih Erbakan, the President of the YRP, along with the members of parliament Suat Pamukçu, Doğan Bekin, Ali Yüksel, and Mehmet Aşıla, presented a legislative proposal. The proposal not only suggests limiting alimony to five years but also emphasizes that after this period, alimony should be covered by the Ministry of Family and Social Services.
EŞİK: "Defend the Civil Code which is the foundation of secular law"
In response to the legislative proposal, the Women's Platform for Equality (EŞİK) has called upon the General Assembly of the Parliament.
In their statement, EŞİK called on everyone to take a stand in support of women and children's rights in this vital issue that concerns millions of women and children. They also emphasized the importance of defending the Civil Code, which is the foundation of secular law.
"The restriction of women's alimony rights was among the targets of Justice Minister Bekir Bozdağ before the elections. Due to the public outcry, the draft was withdrawn, but it was said to be postponed by Bozdağ until after the elections, presented as an election promise to men.During the election campaign, this was one of the provisions in the election agreement between the Justice and Development Party (AKP) and YRP that went against women. In other words, alimony, which is a women's acquired right, was turned into a bargaining chip in the political negotiations behind closed doors, to the detriment of women" said the platform in today's written statement.
The statement argues that alimony is the result of the centuries-old gender inequality that pervades every aspect of life, from household chores to education, employment to child care. "Those who do nothing to eliminate all these inequalities are targeting alimony, which supports women's survival in life after marriage, enables children to continue their education, and helps them with their livelihoods," it says.
"The transfer of an intra-family obligation onto the public in the conditions of Turkey, the creation of formulas subject to the discretion of authorities, such as a fund, will again be against women's interests. Dealing with bureaucracy will once more fall on women," the statement by EŞİK adds.
The platform also argues that the proposal is in direct contradiction with Article 10 of the Constitution, which guarantees gender equality, and Article 41, which regulates equality within the family. (RT/PE)