‘Alimony payments below starvation line’

* Photo: ETHA
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The Diyarbakır Bar Association Women's Rights Center has released a report on "alimony in the light of court rulings."
Having examined 2 thousand 97 case files for the study, the Women's Rights Center has shared the findings of its report in a press conference held at the Tahir Elçi Conference Hall in Diyarbakır.
Taking the floor at the conference, Diyarbakır Bar's Executive Board member Hatice Demir has indicated that the report has been prepared based on the 2 thousand 97 final rulings handed down by family courts in Diyarbakır province from the year 2017 to 2018.
Speaking at the conference, lawyer Aslı Pasinli has said that while a thousand 897 case files were about "divorce and ancillaries", "alimony", "increase in alimony" and "decrease in alimony", a ruling of poverty-related alimony was given for women only in 342 of these case files.
Underlining that the parental right is predominantly granted to women, as seen in the report, Pasinli has noted that while the rate of obtaining this right was 74.3 percent for women, it was 17.1 percent for men.
According to the findings shared by lawyer Pasinli, in 270 of the 342 case files, the amount of poverty-related alimony was between 100 lira and 500 lira (~12-60 USD). In 58 case files, the poverty-related alimony was between 501 and 1,000 lira and in two files, it was over 3,000 lira.
When the case files from the years 2017 and 2018 are taken together, the report has concluded, the poverty-related alimony given to women was below the starvation line in 334 of 342 case files while it was above the starvation line in only eight case files. (EMK/SD)