New Magazine: "Dialogue" for Human Rights

The Human Rights Common Platform (İHOP), made up of the Helsinki Citizens' Assembly, the Human Rights Association (İHD), the Association for Human Rights and Solidarity with the Oppressed (MAZLUMDER) and the Turkey branch of Amnesty International, has launched a bi-monthly magazine called "Dialogue" ("Dialog" in Turkish).
The aim of the magazine is to bring together individuals working in the field of human rights, to improve communication, collaboration and solidarity among institutions, and also to strenghten the dialogue of these actors with public administration.
The publishers have promised, "We will not leave you just with legal texts".
The first issue (May-June), also available on the Internet (in Turkish only), is on "Rule of Law".
The second issue will be on dissapearances.
Regular features of the magazine will be a "Human Rights Calendar", listing important events and days, news on human rights from Turkey and around the world, "alternative hero stories" on human rights struggles and activists, culture/art related to human rights and a historical perspective on human rights. (TK/AG)
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