METU Students' Resistance for Trees Continues

*Photo: Chamber of TMMOB Chamber of Urban Planners
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After police dispersed protesting students yesterday (July 10), workers began to cut trees on site where the Credits and Loans Institution (KYK) plans to build a dorm on the campus of the Middle East Technical University (METU).
Along with saving the trees, the students oppose the dorm construction by the KYK because of its alleged ties to the government.
Mansur Yavaş, the Mayor of the Ankara Metropolitan Municipality, said that he spoke with Mustafa Verşan, the Chancellor of the METU and told him that the municipality could build a dorm and grant it to METU.
The chancellor previously said that the university needs a dorm but lacks funds to build one. The Council of METU Graduates also said they would launch a campaign find funds for the construction.
The "METU must be defended" account on Twitter shared a before-after photo of the planned construction site.
Support from TMMOB and Ankara Bar
Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB) Chamber of Urban Planners Ankara Branch released a statement, saying that they "question the hasty attitude of the METU administration."
"The KYK dorm must be canceled and the construction should be made with the efforts by the METU components," the chamber said, denouncing the police violence against students and the METU administration.
Ankara Bar Association also released a statement, supporting the resistance of the students. It said that a solution should be found "with a participative policy and without cutting trees".
"We respectfully announce to the public that we oppose unlawfulness and we side with nature, the right to a healthy environment, the METU students and their righteous resistance," the Bar said.
University students from İstanbul supported the METU students in a demonstration in Kadıköy district. The police intervened in the protest. (AÖ/VK)