METU Students and Academics in Kavaklık

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The resistance of Middle East Technical University (METU) against the construction of a state dormitory on 40-decare poplar woods at their campus has been continuing in the capital city of Ankara.
After the trees were cut down at Kavaklık, the poplar woods, the "METU Must Be Defended" (ODTÜ Savunulmalıdır) platform made a call for an event called "The Kavaklık resistance is growing."
Accordingly, students and academics gathered in front of the 5th Dormitory at METU campus at 4.30 p.m. yesterday (July 14) and walked towards Kavaklık, where the dormitory is planned to be constructed.
'METU President Verşan Kök is responsible'
As reported by Serkan Alan from Gazete Duvar news website, the ones who attended the march chanted the slogans, "Verşan Kök cannot be the President of METU", "AKP, keep your hands off university", "We don't want a state dormitory at METU" and "Come to Kavaklık".
Marching to the poplar woods, the students read out a statement for the press there. Stating that METU President Verşan Kök is the primary responsible of this process, students stated the following in brief:
"The Higher Education Credit and Hostels Institution (KYK) dormitory is a Trojan horse of the AKP, which forces students to participate in oppressive, homophobic events and disregards their rights and freedoms.
"We all have a problem of dormitory at our school, but we want more livable and emancipatory dorms.
"We, the ones who lay claim to the METU, are calling the university administration to take a step back from this mistake."
Şaban Vatan: I am here to plant a tree for my daughter
Şaban Vatan, who has been striving to solve the suspicious death of his 11-year-old daughter Rabia Naz Vatan, was also at the METU with the picture of his daughter in his hand. Şaban Vatan said,
"You are brilliant students who resist against the destruction of all trees in our country. You, at the METU, have also become a voice to Rabia Naz.
"Rabia Naz Vatan is a child who was atrociously killed at the age of 11 and whose death is attempted to be covered up by political interests. As the father of Rabia Naz, I am grateful to you. Today, I have come to METU to plant a tree for my Rabia Naz." (EKN/SD)
* Photograph: Twitter - ODTÜ Savunulmalıdır (METU Must Be Defended)