Men killed 4,179 women, injured 7,221 women in 15 years
According to reports compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites, and agencies, men in Turkey killed at least 344 women in the 322 days between January 1, 2024, and November 18, 2024.
During the same period, the deaths of at least 263 women were "suspicious," which could not be clearly determined to be femicides or not.
From January 1, 2010, to November 18, 2024, men killed 4,179 women and injured 7,221 others.
2024 data on male violence
Between January 1 and November 18, men committed the following crimes, according to incidents reported in the press, Men killed 344 women, harassed 110 women, abused 201 children, subjected 558 women to violence, raped 13 women, forced at least 544 women into prostitution. The deaths of 263 women were "suspicious" while men killed at least 40 children.
Who killed the women?
At least 242 women were killed by their husbands or boyfriends.
62 were killed by male family members such as fathers or sons.
Seven women were killed by their sons-in-law, five by their neighbors, one by an employer, and nine by male friends.
At least four women were killed by men in roles such as couriers or repairmen.
One woman was killed by a man who had previously raped her.
The relationship between the victims and 13 of the killers was not reported.
How did men kill women?
At least 215 women were shot, and 90 were stabbed.
At least 15 were beaten to death, and 12 were strangled.
Two women were burned to death.
The method of killing for 10 women was not disclosed.
Where did men kill women?
Men killed 184 women in their homes.
154 women were killed in public spaces such as streets, hospitals, vehicles, or parks.
The locations where six women were killed were not reported.
Men's pretexts for femicides
Men killed 153 women because they wanted to leave or refused to reconcile.
17 were killed out of jealousy.
20 were killed for reasons such as robbery, disputes over inheritance, or keeping a pet.
The motives for 154 murders were not disclosed.
Legal proceedings
At least 356 men were identified as perpetrators in the killings.
Only 187 perpetrators were arrested.
At least 66 perpetrators committed suicide.
59 were detained, and investigations were launched against six.
Eleven perpetrators fled.
The legal status of 27 perpetrators was not reported, while three were released.
Munzur University student Gülistan Doku has been missing since January 5, 2020.
Key details from the Male Violence Monitoring Reports about male violence in 2024:
At least six women were killed despite protection orders.
At least six women were killed despite protection orders.
Two men on leave from prison killed women.
At least four women were killed despite protection orders.
One perpetrator was a police officer, and another was a sergeant.
One perpetrator was a specialist sergeant.
One perpetrator was a police officer.
One perpetrator was a police officer.
Men also killed at least five men who were accompanying women.
At least two women were killed despite protection orders.
At least four women were killed despite protection orders.
Men killed at least one man accompanying a woman.
At least six women were killed despite protection orders.
Men killed at least two men accompanying women.
At least seven women were killed despite protection orders.
One perpetrator was a specialist sergeant.
Names of women killed by men between January 1 and November 18, 2024
January: Adile A., Arzu Çınar, Ayşegül Çınar, Ayşegül Oğuz, Bahar K., Bahar E.K., Burcu Gezersoy, Dilek U., Gökçe B., Gülseven D., Kader İrgören, Melike Akpınar, Muradiye A., Nazlı Elmas, Nesrin Ü., Özge Gülenyüz, Pervin B., Petek A., Safinaz Ayten, Seher A.K., Serap B., Shakhnoza Kurbonova, Şafiye B., Şengül Yeşilkaya, Şule Tokel, Tülay Dağaşan, Vatfa Behiye Ecevit, Yüksel Ç.
February: Arzu Gül, Banu Uzun, Beste Ayşegül Y., Burcu Demir, Dilan Ö., Dilek Y., Dilan K. Eda Yiğit, Elif S., Emine Ülkü A., Gülhan K., Hacer T., Hatice A., Hatun Ekrem A., Katie Erorbay, Mine G., Muradiye Terzi, Nasım Gol K., İpek Akgül, Özlem Ç., Özlem Şımarık, Pınar B., Saliha Gizem, Sebahat G., Seda T., Selma A., Semra K., Sevda Kuş, Sevilay K., Suna G., Tuğba A., Tuna Ateşçi, Yasemin Ünlü, Zeliha G., Zeynep B., Zeynep Bilici P., Zozan Y.
March: Antika A., Asude Helen B., Ayşe İ., Canan K., Derya Ç., Duygu C., Emine Ö., Esra U., Esra Yılmaz, Feray Balkan, Gülhan Esen, Hüsna F., İlayda Alkan, İpek T., İrem Falay, Kadriye B. , Mervegül Bayer , Naile Y., Neşe G., Sabiha Ç., Serap Y., Sibel Kavıllı, Zahide Y., Zeynep B.
April: Asya C., Besra K., Buse Ateş S., Buse Demirkıran, Emine Boynueğri, Emine D., Esma İ., Esra Y., F.C., Gülcan G., Gülseren Y., H.T., İlknur Ç., Kübra K., Meltem Z., Melek Ç., Nazlı T., N.A., Nursel Y., Petek A., Sabiha F., Sahure Dudu Bahçeci, Selin Yalın, Selma Ç., Semanur Ç., Sevda M., Serpil K., Türkan A., Yıldız Y., Yonca Kazan.
May: Ashfaq Ahmed Q, Aylin Pekin, Ayşe Ç., Bahar K., Başak Tekin, Buse Erkin, Büşra Sıla I., Dilara G., Duygu Ş., Edanur K., Fatma C., Fatma Nur Ş., Fidan Cantemir, Gülay Akça, Gözde Y., Hamgül C., Hanife Y., Hatice E., Hatice T., Hasret Öztürk, Hivda T., Kader Y., Meryem K., Merve K., Nagihan C., Nadya Zorlu, Nazegük Orhan, Nazime Ş., Saadet Ç., Sevilay Yılmaz, Sevim Duman, S.D., Vezire E., Zarın M., Zehra N., Zeliha Kapıaçtı, Zemzem Ö., Zeynep Ö., Rümeysa Meriç Ö., Media A.
June: Adile Aysu, Aylin E., Ayten Çağıran, Dibe Cevat, Esma Şimşek, Fatma K., Fatma M., Gülistan Avcı, Gülsüm M., Hatice Ç., Hatice U., Hediye K., Hilal K., Lale P., Leyla Erat, Malizer G., Meral Tınaztepe, Merve Karabaş, Merve Ş., N.A., Nur S., Nurtaç K., Nurset T., Saniye Arslan, Sedef G., Seher A., Selen Akpolat, Semiha K., Sibel Ç., Şükran E., Şule Özlem U., Ümmü Değer, Victoria Vera B., Yüsra Binnaz Çimtay.
July: Atiye B., Beyza Ç., Cansu Aslan, Cansu T., Elif A., Erva Raziye A., Esma B., Fatma Ö., Fikriye Silistereli, Filiz Ç., Hanife Y., Hüsne Topal, İklim Altınsoy, Leyla Çetiner, Merve K., Müge E.,Nurten Y., Safiye B., Saniye K., Seher İşler, Sevgi Koçer, Sidar Şimşek, Sıdıka K., Songül B., Sözcen Tutci.
August: Arife Ö., Aslı P., Aynur Çili, Ayşe D., Derya Devrim Emir, Ebru Duvar, Elif D., Elif D., Emine S., Eylem S., Fatma Aydovan, Fatma D., Gülizar Ç., Hilmiye Tuğba, Kıymet Ç., Nakşiye D., Nuhbe Yılmaz, Pınar Bayram, Saliha K., Senem K., Serpil G., Sezen Sarısay, Sinem Ç., Sultan T., Z.B., Öznur A., İ.D.
September: Ayşe K., Aysel Y., Berivan Ağbaba, Berrin Yılmaz, Çiğdem E., Döne B., Dursine C. Elif Ceren A., Ebru Öcal, Esin Karabıyık, Fatma K., Fadim T., Feriye Gözaüala, Fadimana O., Hamiyet Görmezer, Hatice Gül, Hatice R., Hazal G., Merve D., Maıa A., Naciye Y., Nebahat Yükçü, Nuran K., R.Z., Selda E., Sehle Gündüz, Satı Aktan, Sıla M., Sudenaz U., Şeyda Yılmaz, V.E., Yaren Küçük, Zeliha K.
October: A.H., A.K., Aylin P., Ayşe K., Ayşegül S., Berivan Ö., B.I., Burcu Sevgi T., C.A., Canan Cerit, D.K., Dilek D., Duygu Şahin, E.D., E.K., Emine D., Evin Demirtaş, Fatma B., Fatma Ö., Gaye G., Gülcan U., Güler M., Gülçin K., Güldane G., Gülfer Ö., Gülsiye O., Hasibe T., Huriye Ö., İ.U., K.K., Kübra G., Manal K., Mintaha A., Mine Özcan, N.A., N.Ç., Nuran S., S.Ç., S.Ö.A., Semira A., Sevgi G., Sevgi G.Y., Sevim K., Sibel Aygan, Şaizer G., Şenay G., Tuba A., Ülfet Köse, Yasemin U.Ç., Yasemin Y.
November: Asiye Y., Aslıhan G., Aysel Ç., Ayşe, Ayşe G., Bahriye Kalaycı, Berna İ., Elif B., Elif G., Esma S., Fahriye Asena Eskikambur, G.Ö., Hülya U., Nilay Ç., Reyhan Sağ, Özlem B., Ş.K.
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