Men killed 32 women in November
According to the news compiled by bianet from local and national newspapers, news websites and agencies, men killed at least 32 women and two children in November.
Additionally, 42 women died under suspicious circumstances, making it unclear whether the killings were gender-based or not.
Men perpetrated violence on at least 71 women, abused at least 34 boys and girls, and sexually harassed at least 20 women. Men raped one woman and coerced 179 women into sex work.
Men killed at least 359 women in the first 11 months of the year.
Suspicious deaths by provinces
Adana (4), Ankara (3), Antep (3), Antalya (3), Aydın (1), Diyarbakır (1), Düzce (1), Edirne (1), Erzurum (1), İstanbul (3), Karabük (1), Kayseri (2), Kütahya (1), Malatya (1), Manisa (1), Maraş (1), Mersin (3), Muğla (1), Sakarya (4), Samsun (2), Tekirdağ (3), Zonguldak (1).
Male violence in 2024, 2023, 2022 and 2021
In the first 11 months of 2024, men killed 359 women, harassed 120 women, abused 209 children, inflicted violence on 592 women and raped 14 women. Men forced at least 555 women into sex work. While the deaths of 282 women were "suspicious", men killed at least 41 children.
In the first 11 months of 2023, men killed 303 women, harassed 350 women, abused 118 children, committed violence against 707 women and raped 17 women. Men forced at least 336 women into sex work. While 251 women's deaths were "suspicious", men killed at least 27 children.
In the first 11 months of 2022, men killed 308 women, harassed 140 women, abused 209 children, committed violence against 728 women and raped 26 women. Men forced at least 386 women into sex work. 171 women's deaths were "suspicious", while men killed at least 36 children in the first 11 months of the year.
In the first 11 months of 2021, men killed 290 women, harassed 412 women, abused 171 children and raped 89 women. Men forced at least 642 women into sex work and inflicted violence and injuries on at least 732 women. While the deaths of 199 women were "suspicious", men killed at least 30 children
Men killed at least 32 women in November, compared to 35 in the same month last year.
Men also killed at least four men in the company of women.
Men killed at least six women despite restraining orders.
Women killed by men in November
Asiye Y., Aslıhan G., Aybeniz Top, Aysel Ç., Ayşe, Ayşe G., Bahriye Kalaycı, Berna İ., Buket A., Elif B., Elif G., Esma S., Esra B., Fahriye Asena Eskikambur, Filiz A., G.Ö., Hale Akbaş P., Hülya U., Hüsniye Y., Leyla Üren, Negül A., Necmiye A., Nilay Ç., Özlem B., Reyhan Sağ, S.B., Seviç Alemdar, Sevim A., Ş.K., Şelale Mırzalı, Türkan Soylu, Yeşim T.
Provinces where men killed women
Adana (1), Aksaray (1), Ankara (2), Antalya (2), Antep (2), Bolu (1), Bursa (1), Hatay (1), Iğdır (1), Kocaeli (1), Konya (1), Kırklareli (1), Mersin (2), Muş (1), Niğde (1), Sakarya (1), Tekirdağ (2), Urfa (2), Uşak (1), İstanbul (6), İzmir (1).
Men killed 20 women because they did not want to reconcile and/or wanted to leave. Men’s pretexts for killing 11 women were not reported in the press.
At least 23 women were killed by their husbands/boyfriends, five women by their stepfather/son/cousin. One woman was killed by her son-in-law and one woman was killed by a man who raped her. The degree of intimacy of six men who killed two women was not reported in the press.
Men killed 11 women in places outside the home such as hotels and parks and 21 women at home.
Men killed 20 women with firearms and eight women with sharp objects. Men killed four women by beating/strangling them.
Legal proceedings
There were 35 perpetrators who killed women. Only 14 perpetrators were arrested. The legal process of one perpetrator was reported in the press as “he escaped”. 10 perpetrators committed suicide. At least nine perpetrators were detained.
Child murder
Men killed at least two children in November. Last year, this number was eight in the same month.
One child was killed by their father, and one child by a man who abducted them to abuse.
Provinces where men killed children
İstanbul (2)
Names of the children killed by men
Arsal A., Şirin Elmas.
Legal proceedings
There were two perpetrators who killed the children. One perpetrator committed suicide, one perpetrator was arrested.
In November, men harassed at least 20 women. This number was three in the same month last year.
Six of the cases of harassment were systematic.
Men verbally and physically harassed 18 women and photographed two women. One of the women came from China.
Men harassed women in areas outside the home such as streets and avenues.
Two women were harassed by cleaning staff, one woman by a doctor, two women by a neighbor, one woman by a teacher, six women by a colleague and friend, one woman by a police officer and one woman by a male passenger. The identity of the man who harassed six women was not reported in the press.
Provinces where men harassed women
Adana (1), Ankara (2), Düzce (1), Gümüşhane (5), Kilis (1), Kocaeli (1), Sakarya (4), Trabzon (2), Urfa (2), Zonguldak (1)
Legal proceedings
There were 16 male perpetrators who harassed women. Eight perpetrators were arrested. Legal proceedings were initiated against four perpetrators. Two perpetrators were detained. One perpetrator escaped. The process of one perpetrator was not reflected in the press.
Child abuse
Men abused at least 34 girls and boys in November. This number was eight in the same month last year.
Men abused 32 children in out-of-home spaces such as dormitories of religious communities, gyms, parking sheds and two children inside the house.
At least four children were abused by a carpenter, three children by their neighbors, three children by their fathers, two children by market workers, and nine children by service workers. The identities of 26 perpetrators who abused at least 13 children were not reported in the press.
Provinces where men abused children
Adana (4), Antep (1), Aydın (1), Bitlis (1), Düzce (1), Kayseri (1), Kocaeli (3), Niğde (1), Ordu (1), Sakarya (6), Sivas (1), Tekirdağ (1), Zonguldak (9), İstanbul (2), İzmir (1)
Legal proceedings
Çocukları istismar eden 38 fail vardı. Sadece 11 fail tutuklandı. 10 fail gözaltına alındı. 14 fail serbest bırakıldı. Üç failin süreci basına yansımadı.
Sexual assault/Rape
Men raped one woman in November. Last year, this number was one in the same month.
One woman was raped by a male politician.the woman was mentally disabled.
Men raped women outside the home.
Provinces where men injured women
Zonguldak (1)
Legal proceedings
No legal proceedings were reported in the press.
Men injured at least 71 women in November. This number was 69 in the same month last year. 12 women were hospitalized with serious injuries. At least eight women were injured by men despite protection orders.
Provinces where men injured women
Adana (2), Afyon (1), Aksaray (1), Ankara (1), Antalya (1), Balıkesir (2), Bursa (4), Denizli (2), Edirne (24), Elazığ (1), Isparta (1), Kayseri (2), Konya (1), Kırıkkale (1), Malatya (1), Manisa (1), Maraş (1), Muğla (1), Osmaniye (1), Samsun (2), Siirt (1), Zonguldak (2), İstanbul (12), İzmir (5)
At least 46 women were injured by their husbands or boyfriends.
12 women were injured by their relatives such as brothers, sons and fathers. Three women were injured by their landlords. Trans women were injured by police officers. The degree of closeness of the men who injured nine women was not reflected in the press.
Men injured 32 women because they did not want to reconcile and wanted to break up. Men injured four women for extortion. The pretext for injuring 35 women was not reported in the press.
Men injured four women with firearms, 60 women with beatings and seven women with cutting instruments.
Men injured 35 women inside the house and 18 women in places outside the house such as streets, parks and hospitals. Information on where men injured 18 women was not reported in the press.
Legal proceedings
Only 16 perpetrators who injured women were arrested. Legal proceedings were initiated against 31 perpetrators.Two perpetrators were released.Eight perpetrators were detained.A cautionary decision was taken against one perpetrator. The legal process of 13 perpetrators was not reflected in the press.
Forced sex work
Men forced at least 179 women into sex work in November. Last year, this number was two in the same month.
The women forced into sex work were Turkish citizens.
Provinces where women were forced into sex work
Ankara (51), Diyarbakır (9), Kütahya (24), Manisa (6), Samsun (1), İstanbul (87), İzmir (1) .
Legal proceedings
There was a perpetrator who forced women into sex work. He was arrested.
bianet Male Violence Monitoring Report only covers women who lost their lives as a result of male violence reported in the press.
We do not include any violence cases or crimes that are not gender-based.
Throughout the year, we keep track of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths of women in separate monthly tallies but do not add them to the number presented in the headline.
At the end of the year, we examine these cases of unidentified murders and suspicious deaths to determine whether the crimes were gender-based. We add the gender-based incidents into the report.
We do not include any murders in the reports that are committed by people with psychological disorders (such as murders committed by people with schizophrenia).
We include suicide or suicide attempt incidents in the tally only if the woman was subjected to violence/ systematic violence in her past. We cover these suicide incidents in a separate category and do not add suicide cases to the number presented in the headline.
In addition, we don't include femicide cases that occur in a mass murder in which the woman was not directly targeted under the condition that the debated incident is not gender based either.
Occupations of the offenders only included in the reports when the incident of violence is related to the occupation of the offender. For example, "Woman was murdered at home by his husband, who is a professional soldier."
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