Men Killed 165 Women and Raped to 150 Women in 2012

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that the male violence left at least 165 women, 14 children, 3 infants and 15 men dead in 2012. 150 women were reported raped, 210 wounded and 135 harassed by men in 2012.
In 2011, the male violence left at least 257 women, 14 children, 2 infants and 32 men dead. At least 102 women and 59 young girls were reported raped in 2011.
Female victims were most likely murdered or assaulted by their spouses. While most rape cases were committed by men who were familiar to victims, unfamiliar men perpetrators took the lead in harassment cases. Male violence left 24 women dead and 21 wounded even though the female victims demanded for protection from authorities.
In 2012, the male violence left at least 165 women, 14 children, 3 infants and 15 men dead. Most female murder cases were reported in İstanbul, Ankara and İzmir provinces.
Starting from March, an increase has been observed in the number of complaints and protection requests among female victims. Though male violence left 24 women dead even though female victims demanded for protection from authorities.
* Although 9 female murder victims filed complaints against their aggressors several times, their applications hasn't been proceeded by authorities. 2 female murder victims didn't receive a reply to their protection requests.
* 7 women were murdered by their aggressors despite court expulsion orders.
* 1 male murderer received prison sentence but benefitted from controlled freedom. One perpetrator had received a sentence suspension, while another's prison sentence was commuted to a fine.
* 1 woman was reported murdered while filing a divorce application. Another woman was reported murdered while on her way to request for an extension on her protection status.
* 1 female victim was reported murdered in women's shelter.
45 percent of female murders were orchestrated with guns, while 38 percent were committed with knives. Other murder methods included strangling (11), beating to death (7), chopping with an axe (3), torture and running over with a car.
Half of the female victims were slain by their spouses in 2012. Murder perpetrators included spouse (85), ex-spouse (12), spouse on divorce trial (5), lover (16), ex-lover (3), father (5), son-in-law (4) and other relatives (8). While 2 sex workers were reported murdered by their clients, some perpetrators have yet to be found.
15 male victims of male violence were mostly identified as individuals who tried to protect women from their aggressors. Other male victims were killed in the name honor.
Following the murders, 15 perpetrators committed suicide, 3 attempted to suicide and 12 surrendered to security officials.
In 2012, 150 women were reported raped in Turkey. Most rape cases were reported in Istanbul, Antalya and Adana.
Most female victims (61 percent) were familiar with their rapists. They included friends, spouses, lovers, relatives, co-workers, teachers and neighbors. Only 31 percent of the rapist in 2012 were unfamiliar with their victims.
Most rape cases were reported in residential houses (42 percent, 63 cases). Other rape venues included abduction houses (29), leisure venues (7) and workplace (6). 8 women were forced to become sex workers.
Physical violence
Male violence in 2012 left 210 women wounded. Most male violence cases were reported in Istanbul, Adana and Izmir provinces.
At least 21 women were severally wounded even though they filed official complaints against their aggressors. Among these, 11 male aggressors had been expelled by the court. Other applications included official complaint (4), and police protection.
Some notable violence cases were as follows: Battery in women's shelter (2), assault on way to file a complaint (4), assault following court judgment on violence complaint.
Most female victims (60 percent, 127 cases) became subject to violence by their spouses. familiar with their rapists. Other male aggressors included ex-spouse (22), spouse on divorce trial (4), lover or ex-lover (22), unknown man (9), a man with overturned date proposal and other male relatives.
The violence methods included assault (14), stabbing with a knife (3) and wounding with a pistol. 7 women victims were hospitalized. Another woman was reported to attempt to set herself on fire due to extreme stress.
Most male violence cases (34 percent) were reported that they could result in victims' death. In 2012, male violence methods included assault (139), stabbing with a sharp object (44), gun violence (16), leaving the female victims severely wounded. Some other notable cases included running over with a car (6), pouring hot oil (2), attempting to strangle, pushing out from the porch and torture.
2 male perpetrators committed suicides on the assumption that their victims were already dead. 1 perpetrator attempted to suicide.
In 2012, 137 harassment cases were reported in Turkey. Most cases occurred on the street, perpetrated by random men.
Female victims were most likely harassed by random men (80 percent). Out of 137 harassment cases, 90 occurred on the street (66 percent).
Other harassment cases were reported in apartment building entree/elevator (11), residential home (12), workplace (9), through phone/internet (6) and various venues including hotels, buses, hospitals, schools and restaurants.
Regional distribution
In 2012, 662 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported in 66 provinces with quarters of them occurring in Istanbul. Izmir and Adana provinces were listed after Istanbul. (ÇT)
* İn the chart below, you can see the number of cases:
City (şehir) / Murder (cinayet) / Rape (tecavüz) / Physical violence (yaralama) / Harrasment (taciz) / Total (toplam)
bianet is Monitoring Male Violence: Click here for the list of male violence monitoring reports