Men Killed 13 Women and Raped 12 Women in September

According to news reports bianet compiled from local and national newspapers, news portals and news agencies, 13 women were killed, 12 women and two boys were raped, 16 women were injured, and nine women were sexually harassed by men in September.
Three women, who were victims of domestic violence, committed suicide. Two of these women had been forced to marry their rapists. Most of the violence cases against women were committed by their husbands. The rapes were committed by men, who were the victims' acquaintances.
One of the murderers had been released as a result of the Law on Supervised Release and another one's prison sentence had been postponed.
Men killed 13 women in 10 provinces in September. The highest number of women murder cases took place in İstanbul. The murders took place in the provinces of Adana (2), Adıyaman, Afyon, Aksaray, Ankara, Eskişehir, İstanbul (3), İzmir, Kırklareli and Tekirdağ.
Women were mostly killed by their husbands in September. Eight women were killed by their husbands, two were killed by their husbands as their divorce proceedings were continuing, one was killed by her husband to whom she was married in a religious ceremony, one was killed by her ex-husband and one was killed by her ex-boyfriend.
One of the men had a restraining order against him, so he dressed up as a woman to avoid police officers as he went to his wife's house to kill her.
One of the men had been detained for beating up his wife, but had been released as a result of the Law on Supervised Release. Another one had been sentenced to a month in prison, but his sentence had been postponed.
One woman was killed in front of the Court House as she was signing her petition for divorce. Another woman was killed when she left home to extend the period of the protection decision. The most widely used murder weapon in September were the firearms. Seven men committed murder with firearms (two hunting rifles, one pump rifle, four pistols), three men with knives, two men beat their victims to death and one man strangled his victim.
Three of the murders were committed on the street. At least seven men were arrested.
Two women in İstanbul and Adana, who were victims of domestic violence, and two women who had been forced to marry their rapists committed suicide.
The ages of men, who committed murders in September range from 32 to 67. The victims' ages range from 23 to 41.
Men raped 12 women and two boys in seven provinces in the month of September. The highest number of rape cases took place in İstanbul and Ankara. Other rapes took place in the provinces of Adana, Antalya (3), Diyarbakır, İstanbul (3), İzmir, Nevşehir (2) and Urfa.
Women were mostly raped by men they knew. Three women were raped by men they had met on the Internet, one was raped by her friend, one by her brother, one by her husband, one by her ex-husband, one by her neighbour, one by her boyfriend, one by her teacher and two by men they did not know.
Eight of the rapes took place in the women's houses, two in places they were withheld in, one at school, and one on the street. One woman was forced to work as a prostitute.
One man raped his ex-wife as she was returning from the police station. She had gone there to complain about her husband, who had beaten her up.
Five of the 15 suspects of the rape cases in September were arrested. Two 17 year-old women were placed under protection.
The ages of the rapists range between 17 and 52, while the ages of the women range between 17 and 39.
Violence- injuries
Men injured 16 women in 12 provinces in September. Most of the violence cases against women were committed by their husbands.
Male violence occurred in the provinces of Adana, Adıyaman, Antep, Aydın, Bolu, Bursa, Çorum, İstanbul (2), Kayseri (2), Kırıkkale, Konya and Sakarya (2).
Ten women were subjected to violence by their husbands, one by her husband she wanted to divorce, one by her husband she had been married in a religious ceremony, one by her ex-husband, one by her boyfriend and one by her son.
11 women were beaten up, three were injured by knives and two were injured by firearms. Five of the beatings and firearm injuries happened on the street. Thirteen women were taken to hospital. Two men were arrested. Two men were released pending the outcome of the trial.
One of the men attacked the ambulance, which had come to get his wife, who was a victim of domestic violence, and injured the driver. Another man, who had a restraining order against him, injured his wife in her home.
The ages of women, who were victims of domestic violence in September, range from 18 to 42. The ages of men range from 21 to 75.
Sexual Harassment
In September, the media reported six sexual harassment cases in four provinces. These provinces were Diyarbakır, İstanbul (2), İzmir and Samsun (2).
Seven out of nine women were sexually harassed by men they didn't know, one was sexually harassed by her relative, and two by their neighbours.
According to regions
There were 47 cases of male violence, murder, attempted murder, sexual harassment, sexual violence, rape and injury cases in 24 provinces in September. The highest number of violence cases took place in the Marmara Region.
Sixteen of the 47 violence cases took place in the Marmara Region, nine in Central Anatolia, seven in the Mediterranean Region, six in South-Eastern Anatolia, five in the Aegean Region, and four in the Black Sea region.
The highest number of violence cases took place in İstanbul. (ÇT)