Men Kill 33 Women in July

According to the data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male violence left 33 women killed, 3 raped, 70 injured, and 4 sexually harassed in July 2014.
On the other hand, law enforcement forces were unable to shed light on the murder of 4 women and 2 teenager girls.
In the first seven months of 2014, 162 women were killed; 61 women and girls were raped; 362 women were battered; 61 women and girls were sexually abused by men.
In July, men killed 33 women and two men in 18 provinces.
12 percent of the women were killed for seeking a divorce. The husbands of two murdered women were issued a restraint order. Another woman filed for a restaint order for her husband who attempted throw her out the window. However, she had to withdraw her complaint due to threats.
75.7 percent of women were killed by their current and former partners (husbands, ex-husbands, boyfriends, old girlfriends, fiancees): fifteen women were killed by their husbands, five by relatives, three by ex-husbands, three by lovers, three by former lovers, one by fiancee , one by friend, one of husband's employee, one by an unidentified man.
72.7 percent of the murders were committed with firearms: 17 women were slain with a pistol, seven with a rifle, three with knives. While one woman was strangled, two were beaten and another was killed with an ax.
Five men committed suicide after the incidents. Two men surrendered. One was released pending trial.
19-year-old man who killed his fiancée, later engaged to a woman. It turned out that he was tried and acquitted of raping that woman.
A 16 year old male killed his 20-year-old sister by a decision of the family.
It turned out that another woman from Izmir who was killed for leaving home was forced marriage at a young age.
A police officer killed his complaint-seeking ex-girlfriend in front of the police station.
In July, two of women-killers were police officers.
Women were slain in the following provinces: Adana (3), Ankara (3), Antalya (3), Bursa, Burdur (2), Bursa, Canakkale, Denizli, Erzurum, Giresun, Istanbul (8), İzmir (2), Kırıkkale, Kocaeli, Muğla, Sakarya, Urfa and Zonguldak (2).
While killers of women were aged between 16 and 81; slain women were aged between 18 and 74.
Suspicious Death / Unsolved Murders
In July, 4 female bodies were found across four provinces.
A 15 year old girl forced to marriage allegedly committed suicide with a shotgun. Another girl was found dead in her apartment.
The bodies of two women stabbed to death were found in deserted areas. It turned out that one of the women was a refugee.
Unsolved murders and suspicious deaths in July occurred in the provinces of Adana, Adiyaman, Antalya and Şırnak.
Retaliation to male violence
Subjected to violence from husband and stayed at a women's shelter in Istanbul, a woman killed her violent husband with a knife for beating her and 1 year old baby.
Three rape cases appeared to the press in July.
While two of the rapes took place in the apartment of victims, another happened in abduction. One of the women was raped by her cousin, one by an unknown man, and another by a teacher.
In July, rapists were aged between 26 and 28; rape victim women were aged between 19 and 27.
Rape cases were reported in the provinces of Aydin, Konya and Erzurum.
Battery - Assault
Male violence against women left 70 wounded across 27 provinces in July.
7 percent of women were exposed to male violence for wanting a divorce. Two women were beaten by their husbands despite a restraint order.
20 percent of cases were reported on the street, in cafes, restaurants, public places, in other words, in front of people's eyes. In 12.8 percent of cases, men detained women at various venues.
70 percent of women were battered by their husbands, religiously-wed husbands, ex-husbands and boyfriends. Others were as follows: father (1), groom (2), employer/coworker (3), ex-husband (3), landlord/neighbor (5), bus driver (2), waiter (1), religiously-wed husband (5), husband (33), sister's husband (1), son (1), rejected suitor (1), lover (8), unknown man (4).
Firearms and explosives were used in 15.7 percent of cases of male violence: 51 women were beaten,five women were assaulted with pistols, 4 with rifles, 6 with knives and 1 with an axe. A man reportedly drove over his wife. While one man assaulted his wife's apartment with a grenade, another did so with a molotov cocktail.
It turned out that the woman who suffered from a shotgun assault filed 43 complaints against her husband - efforts that yielded no action from authorties. She also suffered from his threats and her apartment was put on fire one.
M.D., a trans reporter, has been assaulted in her apartment by a group of individuals who presented themselves as policemen. The attackers were released after submitting their statements.
Jailed for 16 years for killing his former wife, a man attacked his current wife with an axe upon her release from a women's shelter, leaving her severely injured.
Another recently-released man attempted to poison his wife and children by breaking into their apartment despite a court restaint order.
After being released from police detention, another man assaulted his divorce-seeking wife with a shotgun, leaving her severely injured.
While one man assaulted his wife's apartment with a grenade, another did so with a molotov cocktail.
A group of members from Popular Front assaulted a woman in her apartment in Istanbul and shared her photos online in the name of "exposing her out".
In July, violent men were aged between 20 and 91; victim women and girls' ages ranged from 15 to 93.
Male violence cases were reported in the provinces of Adana (7), Adiyaman (2), Istanbul (4), Bursa (3), Antalya (4), Aydin (4), Balıkesir, Batman (2), Plenty (7), Burdur, Çorum ( 2), Diyarbakır, Edirne (2), Erzurum (3), Eskisehir (2), Iğdır (2), Istanbul (4), İzmir (2), Kayseri (2), Kocaeli (3), Konya (2), Mersin, Muğla, Sakarya (3), Samsun, Tekirdag, and Trabzon (2).
Four cases of sexual harassment in July reflected in the media.
Two cases of harassment took place in the hospital, one on the beach, one took place in the social media. All harassment actors were unknown to their female victims.
In July, abuse cases were reported in the provinces of Adana, Trabzon and Zonguldak.
Regional Distribution
In July 2014, 114 cases of male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and battery were reported across 37 provinces across Turkey.
Marmara Region had the most male violence cases in Turkey. 114 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (28), Aegean (12), Mediterranean (23), Black Sea (20), Eastern-Anatolia (8), Central Anatolia (15) and South-Eastern Anatolia (7). (ÇT/BM)
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