Men Kill 27 Women in January

In 2014, men killed at least 281 women, raped/attempted to rape 109 women and teenager girls, left 560 women injured and sexually harassed 140 women and teenager girls. |
According to the data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male violence left at least 27 women dead; 7 women raped; 24 women to forced prostitution; 36 women and teenager girls injured; 13 women and teenager girls sexually harassed in January 2015.
In January, men killed 27 women in 15 cities across Turkey.
On the other hand, no suspects were found in 7 women murder cases where women were killed by beating, strangling or stabbed with a knife.
48 percent of women were killed by their husbands.
Perpetrators were identified as follows: husband (8), religiously-wed husband (3), separated husband (2), ex-husband (2), father (3), lover (2), son-in-law (2), fiancee (1), relative (1), acquaintance (1), stranger (1).
While 15 percent of women were killed for either seeking divorce or refusing compromise, 2 women were slain despite a court restraint order.
While 52 percent of murders were committed with firearms, 33 percent were committed with knives.
Killing methods were the following: Pistol (8), rifle (6), knife (9), beating (2), sharp object (1), strangling (1).
Following the incidents, 7 men committed suicide, 4 men surrendered.
Murder cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Aksaray, Ankara (3), Antalya (2), Balıkesir, Bolu, Eskişehir, Hatay, İstanbul (7), İzmir (2), Kırklareli, Kocaeli (2), Malatya, Tekirdağ and Urfa.
In January, 7 women and teenager girls in Turkey. 24 women were also forced to prostitution.
While one of the rape victims was a non-turkish national, 17 out of 24 women forced to prostitution were foreigners. (71 percent)
71 percent of rape perpetrators were strangers to women. Rape perpetrators were identified as stranger (5), husband (1), co-worker (1).
Rape venue were listed as apartment (2), under abduction (2), woods (2), apartment building entrance (1).
The rapists were aged between 19 to 50 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 14 to 56.
Rape cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Elazığ, Istanbul (2), Kırklareli and Samsun (2).
Forced prostitution cases were reported in the following cities: Adana (4), Trabzon (5), Van (15).
In January, men battered 36 women in 18 cities across Turkey.
14 percent of women were subjected to male violence despite measures like court restraint order, protection or battery complaint.
8 percent of women were battered for seeking divorce.
Violence perpetrators were identified as husband (24 and 71 percent of all cases), separated husband (2), lover (2), ex-lover (2), ex-husband (1), relative (1), mother’s ex-lover (1), father (1), son (1), unidentified (1).
19.5 percent of male violence cases occurred in the form of heavy wounding with knife or firearms.
Violence methods included battery (27), knife (2), firearms (5), pushing from stairs (1), strangling (1).
Battery/Assault cases were reported in the following cities: Adana (2), Ankara, Antep, Çorum, Diyarbakır, İstanbul (4), İzmir (2), Kayseri (2), Kilis, Kocaeli, Konya, Manisa, Mardin, Muğla, Ordu, Sakarya (2), Samsun and Trabzon (12).
In January, 13 sexual harassment cases appeared on the media across Turkey.
53 percent of perpetrators were stranger to their victims.
Harassment perpetrators were identified as stranger (7), father (2), teacher (2), stepfather (1), neighbor (1).
Harassment venues were as follows: apartment (5 and 38.5 of all cases including breaking in, peeping tom, acquaintances), on the street (3), school (2), office (1), mosque (1), on the internet (1).
The male harassers were aged between 26 to 80 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 14 to 56.
Sexual harassment incidents were reported in the following cities: Ankara (2), Antalya (2), Antep, Istanbul (3), Kocaeli (2), Konya, Trabzon and Zonguldak.
Retaliation to male violence
In the southern province of Adana, a 32 year old woman assaulted her violent husband whom she complaint to beaten her systematically. Following the incident, she ran away but called for an ambulance.
Regional distribution
In January 2015, 107 cases of male violence, murder, attempted murder, harassment, sexual violence, rape and battery were reported across 34 provinces across Turkey.
119 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (27), Aegean (6), Mediterranean (14), Black Sea (25), Eastern-Anatolia (17), Central Anatolia (12) and South-Eastern Anatolia (6). (ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.