Men Kill 214 Women in 2013

Male perpetrated violence left 214 women and 10 children dead, 167 raped (or failed attempt), 241 battered and 161 harassed in 2013.
In 2013, 1 out of 10 women was severely battered despite taking preventive legal action.
Women suffered from their husbands most in terms of violence, 15 percent of women were killed for seeking divorce.
52 percent of rapists were acquaintance to women and 36 percent of rapes took place at residential homes.
Men killed 214 women and 10 children in 2013.
13.5 percent of women were killed despite complaint or restraint order: 13 women were murdered despite restraint order, 4 were slain right after the restraint order was due and 12 were killed despite their complaint to authorities.
4 women were killed by men who was either released on permit, or parole. 15 percent of women were killed for seeking divorce: 32 women killed and 19 battered for seeking divorce.
54 percent of women were killed by either their husbands or ex-husbands. While 12 percent were killed by their lovers, 18 percent by their relatives: 104 women were slain by husbands and 12 by ex-husbands, 25 by lovers, 6 by ex-lovers, 10 by fathers, 9 by sons-in-law, 18 by other relatives (father-in-law, elder brother, younger brother, etc), 3 by men whose proposals were turned down, 1 by family council, 4 by friends, 3 by harassers, 3 by strangers, 3 by thieves, 2 by neighbors and 2 by honor crimes. One woman’s family killed the lover of their daughter’s ex-husband.
The death of 4 women was not certain as its news broke. (While 2 murder perpetrators were suspected to be vanished-lovers, the cases of 2 trans women are still unclear.)
116 of 214 murders were held with guns, while 65 with a knife. Other murders were held by strangling, beating, torture, pushing off the balcony, setting on fire.
Following the murder incidents, 10.7 percent of men committed suicide,10.7 percent surrendered to law enforcement authorities: 23 men committed suicide and 7 attempted to suicide. 23 men surrendered to police.
While 1/4 of murders were reported in Marmara Region, 1/5 were reported in Aegean Region.
Murders in 2013 were reported in the following cities: Istanbul (29), İzmir (18), Antalya (12), Ankara (9), Diyarbakır (9) and Antep (9).
214 murders in 2013 were reported from the following regions: Marmara (25 percent), Aegean (20 percent), Mediterranean (15 percent), Southeastern (13 percent), Central Anatolia (11 percent), Black Sea (8 percent) and Eastern (8 percent).
Men raped/attempted to rape 167 women in 2013.
52 percent of rapists were acquaintance to women: 22 were raped by friends, 17 by relatives, 10 co-workers, 7 by ex-husbands, 7 by ex-lovers, 7 by neighbors, 6 by husbands, 3 by doctors, 3 by lovers/husbands of mother, 2 by teachers. 3 women were forced to prostitution after the incidents.
36 percent of rape cases took place in apartments. Other rape venues included on the street (26 percent), abduction venues (23 percent). 60 women were raped in apartments, 43 on the street, 38 under abduction, 10 on abduction vehicle, 9 in public venues (like hair-dresser’s, hospital, hotel, etc), 4 in workplace, 2 at school and 1 in the elevator.
Rapes in 2013 were reported in the following regions: Marmara (31 percent), Aegean (14 percent), Mediterranean (15 percent), Southeastern (3 percent), Central Anatolia (6 percent), Black Sea (23 percent) and Eastern (8 percent).
Most rape cases were reported in the following cities: Istanbul (31), Samsun (16) and Antalya (11).
242 women and teenagers girls were assaulted in 2013.
While 8 percent of women were battered for seeking divorce, 10 percent were battered despite taking legal action within Turkish Penal Code No 6284: 16 were battered despite protection order or shelter replacement, 6 albeit law enforcement authorities.
While one man was released although he battered his wife 4 times in 1 month, another man battered his wife right after being discharged from prison.
52 percent of male violence cases were committed by husbands: 126 women were battered by husbands, 32 by relatives, 26 by ex-husbands, 19 by lovers/ex-lovers, 2 by neighbors, 3 by men whose proposals were turned down, 3 by friends and 30 by strangers.
While 59 percent of cases were involved battering, 27 percent occurred with knives. In 9 percent of cases, guns were involved. Other cases were related with strangling, beating, torture, pushing off the balcony, setting on fire.
Most male violence cases were reported in the Marmara Region and in Kocaeli province in particular: The percentage of case reportings according regions was listed as follows: Marmara (33 percent), Aegean (12 percent), Mediterranean (17 percent), Southeastern (7 percent), Central Anatolia (13 percent), Black Sea (15 percent) and Eastern (3 percent).
Men harassed 161 women and teenager girls in 2013.
While 64 percent of women were harassed by their acquaintances, 36 were harassed by strangers. Harassment perpetrators included teachers (23 percent, 37 women and teenager girls), men who present themselves as religious workers (9 percent, 14 women). Other perpetrators included: school worker (12), policeman (11), co-workers (10), ex-husband or ex-lover (5), relatives (5), neighbor (3), healthcare professional (3), friend (2) and rapist (1).
39 percent of sexual harassments took place on the street, 32 percent took place at school, 7 percent at residential homes and 6 percent via phone or internet. Other cases were reported from public venues such as transport or police station.
Most harassment cases were reported in the Marmara Region and in Istanbul and Antep provinces in particular: The percentage of case reportings according regions was listed as follows: Marmara (36 percent), Aegean (10 percent), Mediterranean (9 percent), Southeastern (12 percent), Central Anatolia (14 percent), Black Sea (12 percent), Eastern (1 percent) and via communication devices (6 percent).
Regional distribution
In 2013, 783 male violence cases were reported in 71 provinces across Turkey.
Most cases were reported in the following provinces: Istanbul (131), Kocaeli (52), Adana (45), Izmir (44) and Konya (35).
The percentage of case reportings according regions was listed as follows: Marmara (31 percent), Aegean (15 percent), Mediterranean (15 percent), Southeastern (9 percent), Central Anatolia (11 percent), Black Sea (14 percent), and Eastern (5 percent). (ÇT/BM)