Men Kill 14 Women in March

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 14 women, 2 men and 1 infant dead, 16 women and teenager girls raped, 25 women battered and 28 women harassed in March.
2 women have been murdered and another 4 battered despite court restraining orders. Male perpetrators killed 4 women who wanted to divorce them. 81 percent of rape victims in March knew their aggressors. Most male violence cases were reported from Istanbul in Turkey.
In 2013, male violence left 33 women, 6 men, 3 children and 1 infant killed; 38 women raped; 65 women and 2 infant battered; and 45 women harassed.
In March, male perpetrated violence left 14 women, 2 men and 1 infant dead in 11 different cities across Turkey.
Most of the perpetrators in March were the spouse (7) of slain women. Other murder perpetrators included hitman, son-in-law (2), lover (2), ex-lover, husband's mother. While 1 male perpetrator committed suicide following the killing, another failed to do so.
2 women have been murdered despite court restraining orders. Male perpetrators killed 4 women who wanted to divorce them.
The murderers were aged between 27 to 74 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 27 to 60.
6 women were murdered with a pistol and 8 with a knife, sources said.
Female murder cases were reported in the following cities: Ankara (2), Antalya, Antep, Edirne, Hatay, İstanbul (2), İzmir (2), Kocaeli (2), Manisa (1) and Muğla (1).
In March, 16 rape or rape attempt cases were reported across 8 different cities in Turkey. 4 women were reported battered and 1 burglarized.
Most of the rapists in March were unknown (13) by their female victims. Other rapists of March were men unknown to their victims.
Most rape cases were reported on the street (7). Other venues included abduction houses (5), hotel, hairdresser's. Perpetrators in 2 on street rape cases could not be detected because surveillance cameras were out of reach. In one case, one policeman told the victim to "better be silent" after the incident.
Following the rape incidents, 1 men was arrested, 3 detained and 2 released. One of the latter has reportedly resumed threatening the woman whom he attempted to rape.
Most of the rapists in March were men whom victims met through internet. Other March rapists included ex-husbands (2) and friends (2), daughter's ex-lover, hairdresser, shuttle driver.
March rape cases were reported in the following cities: Ankara, Antalya, İstanbul (5), İzmit, Mersin (3), Muğla, Samsun (3) and Urfa.
In March, 28 harassment cases were reported across 8 different cities in Turkey.
Harassment cases were reported in the following cities: Aydın (3), Bolu, Bursa, İstanbul (16), İzmir, Tekirdağ, Urfa and Zonguldak. In addition to that, 2 women filed harassment complaints over phone and another through twitter.
Most harassment perpetrators were identified as men (11) unknown to their victims. Other perpetrators included healthcare professionals (2), neighbor and individuals who present themselves as religious worker (14).
Most harassment cases were reported on the street (5). Other cases included residential house, mall, hospital (2), on the phone and internet (4).
Following the incidents, 1 man has been arrested, 2 released, 3 released pending a trial. 1 perpetrator ran away.
March harassers were identified between 24 to 67 years old.
In March, 25 violence against women cases were reported across 14 different cities in Turkey.
In March, women suffered from their husbands most in terms of battery. 2 women were battered despite court retraining order, another despite court protection order, and other despite on women's shelter.
12 men reportedly assaulted women, 9 stabbed with a knife. 1 male perpetrator surrendered to police assuming that he strangled his wife to death.
In March, women suffered from their husbands (19) most in terms of battery. Other perpetrators assaulted women including their ex-lovers (3), unknown man and father (2).
Following the violent incidents, male perpetrators were arrested (2) and released by court (3).
The aggressor men were aged between 18 to 67 years old while their victims' ages differed from 19 to 45.
Violence against women was reported in the following cities: Adana (2), Antalya (2), Antep, Bursa (2), Edirne (2), İstanbul, Kayseri, Kocaeli (3), Mersin, Muğla, Samsun, Siirt, Sivas (3), Trabzon (4).
Regional Distribution
In March, 80 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported across 24 provinces. Most of these incidents were reported in Istanbul.
80 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (36), Central Anatolia (7), Aegean (10), Mediterranean (11), Black Sea (10), and South-Eastern Anatolia (6). (ÇT/BM)