Men Kill 13 Women in May

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 13 women killed, 10 women (including young girls) raped, 20 women injured and 15 women sexually harassed. in May 2013.
3 women were killed despite former complaints. A man who was formerly prosecuted and recently benefitted a probation from his 5 year prison sentence, another attempted to kill his wife during her sleep in May 2013.
A rape victim woman has allegedly been overturned from two hospitals in Ankara saying that they “didn’t want to get involved”.
According to bianet’s compilation, male-perpetrated violence left 73 women killed, 61 raped, 93 injured and 73 harassed in 2013 so far.
During the same period, men killed 72 women in 2012.
In April 2013, male-perpetrated violences left 17 women and 2 men killed, 13 women and teenager girls raped, 13 women injured and 13 harassed.
In May, male perpetrated violence left 13 women across 11 different cities in Turkey.
May’s murder perpetrators included husband (4), turned down man (2), lover (2), ex-lover (1), older brother (1), cousin (1), son-in-law (1) and male thief (1).
3 women were killed despite former complaints or court restraint orders. Another man reportedly battered his wife about 20 days ago and resulted her hospitalization.
Following the murders, 3 other committed suicide, 1 attempted to commit suicide and 2 men surrendered to police,.
May’s murderers were aged between 23 to 54 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 15 to 68.
Female murder cases were reported in the following cities: Ankara, Antep, Aydın, Batman, Çorum, Denizli, Istanbul, Izmir (2), Mersin, Sakarya (2) and Tekirdağ.
In May, men raped 10 women and teenager girls across 8 cities in Turkey.
50 percent of women were raped by men who knew them.
May’s rape perpetrators were identified as strangers (5), ex-husband and friends (1), grandfather (1), doctor (1), lover (1) and neighbor (1).
Rape venues included street (2), apartment (4), doctor’s office (1) and abduction house (3).
A rape victim woman has allegedly been overturned to give blood and tissue samples by two hospitals in Ankara saying that they “didn’t want to get involved”. A teenager girl was reportedly forced to prostitution. Another rape suspect was alerted to police by his wife. 7 men were arrested for rape charges.
May’s rapists were aged between 24 to 65 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 15 to 25.
May’s rape cases were reported in the following cities: Ankara, Antalya (2), Iğdır, Istanbul, Izmir, Kayseri (2), Samsun and Trabzon.
Battery - Assault
In May, 20 male violence against women cases were reported across 13 different cities in Turkey.
In May, women suffered from their spouses (10) most in terms domestic violence.
Other violence perpetrators included father (1), ex-husband (2), ex-lover (1), lover (2), friend (1), stranger (3) and uncle (2).
6 women were reportedly injured by a knife attack, another 2 were shot by a pistol. 9 women were battered. While one woman was run over by a car, another was burnt down with gasoline. Another man attempted to pour boiling water into his wife and strangle her as she was asleep.
A man who was formerly prosecuted and recently benefitted a probation from his 5 year prison sentence, attempted to kill his wife. Another murder-attempting man was allegedly released following his testimony.
May’s aggressors were aged between 23 to 41 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 19 to 34.
Violence against women cases in May were reported in the following cities: Antalya, Antep (2), Aydın, Çanakkale, Istanbul (3), Izmir (2), Kayseri, Kocaeli, Mersin, Muğla, Sakarya (3), Samsun (2) and Urfa.
In May, 15 harassment cases were reported across 7 different cities in Turkey.
87 percent of women were harassed by acquainted men. Other harassment actors included teachers (10), trainer (1), friend (1), friend’s father (1), strangers (2).
Harassment cases in May were reported in the following venues: Street (2), school (10), apartment (1) and course (1).
May’s harassment cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Istanbul (7), Izmir (3), Kocaeli, Ordu, Samsun and Zonguldak.
Retaliation to male violence
In May, male violence was retaliated in various cases in 5 different cities across Turkey. While one man killed his son-in-law who was battering the daughter, another father killed another man who was sexually abusing the daughter. Another man injured his father who was battering his mother.
Two women reportedly murdered their male rapists.
Regional distribution
In May 2013, 58 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported across 23 provinces. Most of these incidents were reported in the Marmara Region.
58 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (21), Central Anatolia (5), Aegean (12), Mediterranean (8), Black Sea (8), Eastern-Anatolia (1) and South-Eastern Anatolia (5). (ÇT/BM)