May Day Celebrations Across Turkey

* Photographs: Anadolu Agency
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May Day has been celebrated across Turkey with songs and folk dances.
May Day has been celebrated at Tandoğan Square in Ankara. Among the banners carried during the celebrations is also a banner with the the names of 301 miners who lost their lives in Soma Mine Disaster on May 13, 2014.
The May Day celebrations have been held in Turkey's southeastern province of Diyarbakır with the slogan "A happy life will sprout." Hundreds of people have gathered at İstasyon (Station) Square for the celebrations.
At first, a group of women with white kerchiefs were not allowed into the square by the police. Negotiating with the officers, the women could enter the square afterwards. (Photograph: Mezopotamya Agency)
The Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions (TÜRK-İŞ) has celebrated the May Day in Kocaeli. TÜRK-İŞ Chair Ergün Altay made a statement at the 15 Temmuz Demokrasi (July 15 Democracy) Square. Afterwards, Altay distributed carnations to the May Day celebrators.
People of Kars have gathered at Cumhuriyet (Republic) Square upon the call of the Labor and Democracy Platform.
The May Day celebrations in Turkey's eastern province of Kars were also attended by Kars Co-Mayor Ayhan Bilgen. Bilgen also made a speech.
The May Day has been celebrated at Kırkayak Park in Turkey's southestern province of Antep.
People of Tokat have celebrated this year's May Day with folk dances at Cumhuriyet (Republic) Square.
In Malatya, representatives from political parties, labor unions and non-governmental organizations have celebrated the May Day.
In Zonguldak, a mining city in the Black Sea, labor unions and civil society organizations have celebrated the May Day wearing miner's helmets.
In Burdur, workers have gathered in Köprübaşı and marched to the Cumhuriyet (Republic) Square by chanting slogans.
In Çorum, May Day has been celebrated with folk dances. Celebrators have opened a banner which reads, "Prevent child abuse."
In Düzce, unions have gathered at Cedidiye Square and marched to the Anıtpark Square with banners in their hands. Among the banners carried by the celebrators is also the above banner, which reads, "We will stop all types of violence. We will get our right to equal employment opportunity.
In Eskişehir, May Day has been celebrated at Odunapazarı Square.
In Turkey's eastern province of Erzincan, May Day has been celebrated with a march from the Fevzi Çakmak Avenue to Cumhuriyet Square.
Gathering in front of Ethembey Park in Sivas, workers have marched to the Mevlana meeting area for the May Day celebrations.
The people of İzmir have celebrated the May Day at Gündoğdu Square.