Male Violence May 2014

According to the data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male violence left 23 women and 1 teenager girl killed, 13 women and teenager girls raped, 36 women injured, and 25 women sexually harassed in May 2014.
Overall in 2014, male perpetrators left 112 women killed, 32 raped, 236 battered and 44 harassed.
1 May
*In Konya province, D.S (71) injured his wife F.S (70) and his male nephew S.S (54) by gun. After the incident, D.S. committed to suicide.
*In Kilis province, M.A. battered his wife A.A.
*In Adıyaman province, A.A. battered his mother H.A.
2 May
* In İstanbul province, .C.E. killed his wife Remizye Eripek (37) by beating with a stick. The coffin of Remziye Eripek was carried by women at the funeral in Batman. “I beat her as usual, no more than before,” said C.E in his statement at police station.
* In Kırklareli province, M.Ç. sexually harassed S.R. (12), the sister of his friend’s lover. Being harassed at her sister’s home, S.R filed a complaint. M.Ç is currently a runwaway.
* In Çorum province, A.H.Ü beaten his wife P.Ü, since his pregnant wife wanted to go to hospital.
3 May
* In Yozgat province, H.K. (39) killed his wife Gülden K. (33) with a gun, claiming that she had an affair with someone else. Before the murder, H.K went to the house of E.D (28), the man who he suspected to have a relation with his wife, and heavily injured him with a gun. Then H.K. surrendered to the police.
* In Amasya province, M.Ş (32) killed his wife Şeyda Şengül (27) by stabbing on the street for seeking divorce. Previously restraint by a court, M.Ş was arrested.
* In Zonguldak province M.A. (38) raped mentally retarded A.A (34) in an empty apartment building entrance. Upon the complaint of A.A.’s family, M.A. was detained, and arrested by a vacation court.
* In Samsun province, M.K (23), A.T. (22), Y.K (20), F.Ş (19), M.T. (25) raped T.K (14) after kidnapping her from the children’s residence. The perpetrators who forcibly kept T.K for eight days were released pending at a trial by Bafra Courthouse Vacation Court.
* In Zonguldak province, B.K. has sexually harassed her daughter. By applying gendarmerie with her grandfather, B.K filed a complaint about his father. The father was arrested.
4 May
* In Erzurum province, due to a discussion, N.K shot to his daughter-in-law Özlem Aktepe (37) and her husband S.A. Özlem Aktepe lost her life and S.A. was injured. After the incident, N.A. committed to suicide.
*In Muğla province, discussing with her on the street, A.Ş. (30) first battered his fiancé Banu Kesler (26), then cut her throat with a curved knife. Hospitalized in a critical condition, the woman lost her life. After the incident, A.Ş. surrendered and he was arrested.
*In Adana province, H.K. (28), having previously restraint by a court, assaulted his wife Ş.K. (30) for seeking divorce in front of the courthouse. It was turned out that Ş.K. wanted to divorce her husband due to violence, filed a complaint and received a panic button upon the order of Prosecutor’s Office. H.K. assaulted his wife S.K in front of the courthouse when she went there in order to extend the period of her panic button.
* In Siirt province, A.B (34) battered his wife D.B. (33) and hit her head with a camp cylinder. While D.B was heavily injured, A.B escaped.
*In İstanbul province, N.E. (53) battered his lover E.Ö (43) due to a discussion. E.Ö injured N.E. by a knife during the discussion. The woman was detained.
6 May
*In Konya province, M.Ö (29) injured his separated wife Rukiye Özkaraalp (19), killed his wife’s sister Hanife Filiz with a shotgun, and heavily injured his mother-in-law H.F. After the incident, M.Ö escaped.
*In Bursa province, T.K. (33) first battered S.Y (81), and then raped her by intruding her house. Upon the complaint of the woman, S.Y was forwarded to the courthouse after being caught.
* In Kocaeli province, İ.E injured his wife E.E by battering. Being detained, İ.E was released after giving a statement.
*In Sakarya province, M.T battered his wife L.T.
8 May
* In Trabzon province, a woman filed a complaint for being subjected to violence from her husband whom she was married three months ago due to his threats.
9 May
* In İstanbul province, H.Y (43) injured his wife E.Y (38) with a gun due to refuse his peace offering. After the incident, H.Y. committed to suicide.
* In Ankara province, C.A. (24) battered his female friends D.A and K.D.
10 May
* In Hatay province seasonal worker M.K. (30) killed his wife Feride Köseoğlu (28) with a shotgun at home, and killed his lover Fevziye Saklar (43) by cutting her throat. While leaving the house, M.K also killed his daughter İrem Köseoğlu (8). After the incident, he committed to suicide.
* In Sakarya province, Y.G (59) sexually harassed high school student S.Ü. (15). Y.G., who allegedly harassed S.Ü. for three months and recorded this to the camera, was arrested by a vacation court.
* In Ankara province, G.A. (27) took a selfie with N.D (26) without notice at a public bus by coming closer to her.
Retaliation to male violence
*In Kayseri province, Naci Gökoğuz (35) was killed by his wife S.G (28) by a gun due to his continuous violence against her.
11 May
In Urfa province, E.Ö. (15) raped his cousin S.Ö. (14) in a field. S.Ö. was hospitalized with injury and E.Ö. was arrested.
In Zonguldak province L.A. (20) battered his landlord F.Ç. (45) and her husband E.Ç. (46). F.Ç. was injured.
12 May
* In Istanbul province, in a hotel, Ö.B. (25) attempted to rape and battered M.Ş. (19) who had left home and stayed in a women’s shelter in Ankara for a while. Homicide police at the hotel at the time detained Ö.B. upon the woman’s cry. Prosecution filed a case against Ö.B. on charge of qualified sexual assault.
* In Samsun province, E.Y. (27) battered his wife M.Y. (27). Trying to escape from the fight, M.Y. knifed her husband and called the police after the incident.
13 May
* In Urfa province, M.İ. (23), M.T. (21), S.Ç. (19) and F.T. (43) raped their friend Z.İ. (14) who had taken shelter in a cafe after running away from home. The suspects were arrested upon Z.İ.’s complaint. Prosecution decided for Z.İ. to be taken into court protection instead of being delivered to her family. B
14 May
* In Istanbul province, D.G. (43) killed his lover Dilek Aypar (23) with a pump rifle in a park. D.G. attempted suicide after shooting Dilek Aypar, preventing arriving medical teams from intervening in the woman’s condition. D.G. surrendered to the police after a short while.
16 May
* In Eskişehir province, S.A. (20) knifed and gravely injured Ö.G. (15).
17 May
* In Osmaniye province, retired teacher Y.M. (65) killed his wife Sumru Müftüoğlu with a hunting rifle. Y.M. committed suicide after the murder.
* In Muğla province, two men raped a Swedish woman in a beach resort. The two men were detained upon the woman’s complaint.
18 May
* In Kayseri province, Y.F. battered and injured his niece E.G. (31) and her husband S.G..
19 May
* In İzmir province, H.T. (28) knifed his wife E.T. (26) with whom he had agreed on uncontested divorce.
* In İstanbul province, soccer player İ.T. battered his lover in a mall.
20 May
* In Antalya province, a man demolished his divorce-seeking wife G.D.’s (41) house with a digger.
21 May
* In Çorum province M.Ç. (24) murdered his ex-fiancé university student Cennet Günana (24) with a gun. M.Ç. committed suicide after the murder.
* In Istanbul province, E.A. (50) killed his live-in lover Melek Çapa (45) and her twin daughters Eda and Seda Çapan (17) with a gun. E.A. committed suicide. It was found out that E.A. had a criminal record on “murder” and “sexual harassment,” and that he had gotten out of prison on amnesty.
* In Antalya province, a man knifed trans sex worker S. (24).
* In Erzurum province, N.T. (39) went to his father-in-law’s house to reconcile with his wife who had left him due to his repeated acts of violence. N.T. knifed his father-in-law M.G. (58) in two places when his wife refused to go back home.
22 May
* In Antalya province, M.D.Y. and A.Y. Raped S.O. and A.K for a week after abducting them into an apartment. Upon a complaint, suspects were captured.
* In Aydın province, C.K. (22), suspect of 12 crimes, attempted to rape his own cousin G.K. (17) during a trip. After G.K.’s resistance, C.K. ran away and stole the necklace of his relative N.A. (35) in the end of another battery. A court arrested C.K.
* In Tekirdağ province, F.İ. (33) battered his wife N.İ. (41), saying that she told her to “brush his teeth”.
* In Tekirdağ province, Ş.K. (37) battered his work-seeking wife O.K. (35). While the woman medically documented the damages, she also filed a complaint.
23 May
* In Istanbul province, M.K. assaulted his divorce-seeking and separated wife Dilber Kılıç (37) on her way out from work with a knife and killed her. It turned out that M.K. had been battering Dilber Kılıç for years and that she left home 1.5 year ago. Following the murder, the suspect ran way. He was later on captured and arrested.
* In Ordu province, shuttle driver F.Ç. raped high school student E.P. Initially detained, F.Ç. has been arrested. It turned out that F.Ç. had been detained for charges related to sending sexually harassing texts to other teenager female students. He was then released for pending a trial.
* In Izmir province, A.D. (21) attempted to rape J.Ş. after breaking into her apartment. He also battered her. Upon J.Ş.’s screams for help, A.D. ran away. He was later on caught.
* In Bolu province, V.B. initially battered his ex-lover N.K. and then damaged her office. V.B. filed a complaint.
* In Antalya province, N.U. (40) assaulted his wife S.U. (34) after a failed suicide attempt. It turned out that the woman told him to “jump off”. Police detained N.U.
* In Adıyaman province, Fatma Koçak (16), a child bride who married 2.5 months ago, left her apartment 20 days ago. The woman was found and sent back to her parent’s apartment after husband B.A.K.’s (26) complaint. However, she reportedly committed suicide at her mother’s apartment by initially drinking pesticides and then shooting herself in the belly.
24 May
* In Çorum province, A.C. battered his current partner and ex-wife K.C..
25 May
* In Adıyaman province, İ.A. (31), a Syrian living in a tent, battered his wife S.G. (25) and then assaulted with a knife several times.
* In Mersin province, 4 men assaulted trans sex worker C., causing her injured. “Are you on the street at a religious day? We won’t you thrive here,” they allegedly said.
26 May
* In Adana province, N.S. (30) drove over his divorce-seeking wife B.S. (26) and then abandonned her on the highway. Half conscious from the impact, B.S. has been hospitalized. fter the incident, she filed a complaint, saying that she was constantly faced with domestic violence.
* In Konya province, T.T. (47) battered his wife M.T.
27 May
* In Batman province, a man reportedly battered his wife and then put her apartment on fire.
28 May
* In Manisa province, S.Ç. (25) battered his wife Burcu Akyol Çapar (22) to death. It turned out that she was 8 months pregnant and hospitalized in the pretext of traffic accident. Burcu Çapar’s father filed a complaint after his grandson revealed the real story. Detained by the police, S.Ç. has been arrested.
* In Izmir province, police found a dead woman’s body and launched an ivestigation.
29 May
* In Erzurum province, C.P. (33), a husband with 6 month restraint order, murdered his wife Ferinaz Polat (30) with a rifle right after the end of his restraint order. Following the incident, C.P. ran away. It turned out that Ferinaz Polat submitted a request to a prosecutor’s office to be transferred to a women’s shelter only 6 days prior to the incident.
* In Karaman province, M.K. (38) murdered his wife Öznur Kömür (33) with a rifle.
* In Antalya province, M.E. (36), a diagnosed schizophrenia patient, forced his wife E.E. to a balcony during an argument. He reportedly threatened to push his wife and baby out from the balcony.
* In Istanbul province, a man battered his wife, a waitress. Upon the woman’s screams for help, bystanders including media workers intervened. While the woman was hospitalized, the suspect has been detained.
30 May
* In Bursa province, Canan Gerçek (36) has been found in her apartment. It turned out that she had been suffering from domestic violence and filed a complaint three months ago. The crime scene investigation report stated that Gerçek died alone and with the damages on her back.
* In Antep province, M.Y. (28) murdered his sisters Banu Yaprak (23) and Meryem Döş (25) with a pistol.
* In Antep province, K.E. (65) murdered his wife Yıldız Etiket (33) with a rifle.
* In Kayseri province, E.A. (25) assaulted his lover H.K. (25) with a pistol, leaving her injured in the limb. After the incident, E.A. ran away.
* In Kayseri province, R.A. stabbed his wife A.A. on the back. Injured, A.A. went to a local ER one day after the incident.
* In Hatay province, Ş.B. (34) has been ordered to stand trial for forcing Syrian national D.H. (20) to prostitution.
31 May
* In Adana province, H.D. (43) murdered his wife Tijen Demirlap (34) by stabbing her with a knife several times. Following the incident, H.D. murdered his father-in-law Durdu Bilgi (60) with a shotgun for letting her wife work and talk to other men. While H.D. also attempted to kill his mother-in-law, the woman hid in the apartment. Later on, the dead body of H.D. was found. It was suspected that he was killed by knife wounds. Police detained H.D.’s brother-in-law U.B. and M.B. for the suspicion of murder.
* In Izmir province, one man reportedly sent a message to over 20 female advocates, blackmailing that “they had inappropriate images”. Upon the women’s complaint, Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation.
* In Eskişehir province, M.Ö. assaulted his wife P.Ö. with a pistol. He also killed Ahmet Birçek, his wife’s alleged lover. (ÇT/PU/CB/BM)
* Click here to read the article in Turkish.