Male Violence March 2012

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 12 women dead, 8 raped, 24 battered and 5 harassed in March 2012.
While one of the slain women was a transsexual, women were most frequently killed by their spouses. The most frequently used weapon marked the pistol.
In February 2012, male perpetrators left 24 women dead, 10 battered, 10 raped and 16 harassed.
Overall in 2012, male violence left 47 women dead, 28 raped, 60 battered and 56 harassed.
1 March
* In İzmir province, A.G (31) murdered his ex-wife Sebahat Gezer (33) with a knife in a playground before the eyes of his 4 year old daughter. Following the incident, A.G. surrendered to the police. A court arrested A.G.
* In İstanbul province, A.C.murdered his wife Feride Canıbol with a pistol in her office. It turned out that the couple had an argument. Following the incident, A.C. surrendered to the police.
* In Ankara province, Y.K. (36) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Tülin K. (31) in their apartment with a shotgun. Following the incident, Y.K was arrested. It turned out that the woman didn’t file for protection once it was over.
* In Antalya province, Z.K. was assaulted by her husband. Following the incident, the woman filed for divorce.
Child abuse
* In Samsun province, a man was arrested by a vacation court for raping a 15 year old girl by blackmail and threat.
2 March
* In İstanbul province, M.Ç. (27) assaulted his wife H.Ç. (38) with a rifle, leaving her injured from her sexual organ. It turned out that he also murdered his cousin A.Ç. (43). M.Ç. surrendered to the police once they were alerted.
3 March
* In İstanbul province, E.M. (20) raped his ex-lover E.K after calling her to his office. Following the incident, E.K submitted a complaint to a prosecutor. It turned out that E.M. committed suicide by throwing himself out of a ferry between Kadıköy- Eminönü districts once he learned about E.K's complaint.
4 March
* In Antep province, A.Ç. (27) attempted to rape Neslihan Polatbilek (29), saying that he was going to employ her. He reportedly murdered her once she resisted. It turned out that A.Ç.'s ran away from Antep Open Prison the day before the incident.
* In Aksaray province, A.D. reportedly battered his wife L.D. (23) and drove her out of the city center and dumped her. Following the incident onlookers helped L.D. transfer to a nearby hospital.
Child abuse
* In İstanbul province, kick-box trainer Y.B. (42) raped high school student D.G. (14) in his gym. it turned out that the girl did not mention about the incident until a second rape reportedly took place. She only protested not to go to the gym. She told about the incident after her father’s persistence. Father İ.G filed a complaint to the police. Escorted by a lawyer, pedagogue and psychologist, D.G. testified. Police detained Y.B.
5 March
* In Muğla province, A.T. (32) assaulted his separated religiously wed wife E.E. (22) with a knife, threatening her by putting the knife on her throat. Arriving to the scene, police captured A.T. He was later on released as E.E did not file a complaint. She was placed in a women’s shelter.
6 March
* In İstanbul province, M.Y. battered his wife A.Y. and threw her along with his 2.5 year old daughter. While the woman was hospitalized by the help of neighbors, the daughter was put under shelter. Upon the woman’s complaint, police launched an investigation on the husband.
Child abuse
* In Kütahya province, M.K.,a teacher, has been detained for verbally harassing his student M.Ü. (13) over a social networking site. M.K. was released by a prosecutor after his testimony.
7 March
* In Adana province, H.G. (33) threatened his ex-wife G.S. (31). H.G. was captured as he was waiting with a knife at the street of his ex-wife’s apartment. He was releases after his testimony. It turned out that G.S. filed 30 different complaints against her ex-husband who faced 21 prosecutions and received 4 years of prison which were appealed.
9 March
* In İstanbul province, Ö.M. murdered his cousin’s wife Japarzade Diyar Bengitay (40) with a pistol at a medical center where she was admitted due to domestic violence. It turned out that the woman filed a complaint to the police and was in the process of divorcing her husband who was previously convicted to 10 years of prison for murdering his former wife.Detained, Ö.M. said that F.B. wanted him to kill his wife.
* In Muğla province, M.E.Ö. (47) battered his wife S.Ö. (30) who wanted to attend March 8 Women’s Day Walk. The woman applied to a police station and filed for a complaint.
* In Malatya province, B.A., a coach steward, sexually harassed passenger M.W. (23) as she was asleep. Upon the woman’s complaint, he was detained and charged with up to 7 years of prison.
Child abuse
* In Isparta province, school principal H.A.A. raped his student E.Y. (16). The incident came into surface as the girl got pregnant. Following the incident, officials decommissioned H.A.A. and launched an investigation.
* In Tekirdağ province, Ş.B (62), a mobile burger seller, took M.K. (4) to his apartment as she was playing outside. Suspected by M.K's words "This grandpa gives me candy and caresses me”, her grandma followed her through Ş.B.’s apartment and found her half-naked. Following the family’s complaint, police detained Ş.B. A court arrested him later on.
11 March
* In Ankara province, M.Y. (31) murdered his lover Funda Yıldırım (28) with a pistol. It turned out that M.Y. assaulted her with a pistol and threatened her previously.
12 March
* In İzmir province, S.K. (40) assaulted his ex-wife S.A. (31) with a knife, leaving her injured from the arm and shoulder.
14 March
* In Adana province, A.G., O.A.(31) B.B.(23) E.G.(30) A.K.(24) and E.A.(40) raped E.B. (21) Upon E.B.'s complaint, police detained suspect who defended themselves with saying that she was a sex worker.
15 March
* In Kayseri province, N.B. battered his daughter-in-law H.A., saying that she didn’t give birth to a baby boy. Detained by the police, N.B. was released after his testimony.
* In Ankara province, B.K., battered and reportedly tortured his religiously wed wife S.B. (16). Upon the woman’s complaint, the husband ran away. His two relatives were arrested for aiding torture and sent to a prison.
* In Muğla province, S.K.(34) battered his hearing-disabled wife M.K. (31). Upon the neighbor’s complaint, police arrived to the scene and detained the husband. The woman and her three children were put under shelter.
* In Isparta province, B.S., a literature subject teacher at a religious school, recorded a sex with his student Z.E. B.S.‘s wife G.S. found the tape and filed a complaint to a prosecutor. She also added that she had to flee to France due to her B.S.’s threats. Officials from Isparta Governor’s Office decommission B.S. and launched an investigation.
16 March
* In Kırşehir province, E.K. (39) battered his 2.5 months pregnant C.K (31), causing her to miscarry their baby. Upon the woman’s complaint, E.K. was detained and released for pending trial. Authorities placed C.K. in a women’s shelter.
* In Urfa province, two women called the police, complaining that they were battered by their husbands. Police detained both suspects.
* In Kocaeli'nde R.T. reportedly let a biker couple into his van and forced the woman to oral sex. Upon onlooker’s complaint, gendarmerie arrived to the scene and detained R.T.
* In Adana province, D.K. and his three friends abducted A.T. (23), a mother whom they met through the phone. While the suspect’s also abducted the daughter, they raped the woman in the woods. In addition to that, they forced her to prostitution by threatening her to kill the daughter. The woman was saved by the police after she sent a message to her mother alerting the incident.
17 March
* In Samsun province, H.M. (46) forced his wife F.M. (42) to prostitution. F.M. applied to the police for help.
18 March
* In İstanbul province, H.T. (32) broke into G.K. (44)’s room and slept by her side on the New Year’s Eve. Later on, he said that he confused the rooms and mistook the woman with his wife. H.T. was charged with sexual assault, facing prison up to 12 years.
19 March
Child abuse
* In Adana province, A.A. (42) raped his step daughter S.K. (13) as her mother was not at home. Mother H.A. filed a complaint to the police after finding out the incident. Detained, A.A. was arrested by a court. The young girl was put under shelter. A.A. has been charged with 18 years of prison.
20 March
* In Konya province, Ö.E., battered his wife D.E., saying that she returned home late from a neighbor visit. D.E. filed a complaint against her husband. Police detained Ö.E.
Child abuse
* In Van province, E.Ö. (22) raped his aunt’s daughter N.H. (14). The incident came into surface as N.H. suffered from stomach aches and later on declared as pregnant. N.H. was placed under shelter.
* In İstanbul province, being subjected to domestic violence by her husband S.A, O.A. committed suicide. Prosecutor’s Office declared that they were waiting for forensics report in order to launch an investigation.
21 March
* In İzmir province, soccer coach R.K. battered his wife F.K. R.K. was detained by the police after the woman’s complaint. He was released later on.
* In Ankara province, orthodontist İ.A. battered his patient E.A.K. After having received an assault report, the woman filed a complaint to a prosecutor.
Harassment-Sexual assault
* In Samsun province, Y.K. (37) sexually harassed H.Y. (17) in an elevator. A court arrested Y.K.
Suicide attempt
* In Sakarya province, Ö.D. (13) attempted to commit suicide after being raped three men aged between 19 and 22 who were released pending a trial for their charges.
22 March
* In İzmir province, T.Y. (50) assaulted his daughter T.Y. with a shotgun, leaving her severely wounded. He also murdered her living partner Ali Ürken (26). The shooting also affected K.Y. (52) who was watching TV at an apartment nearby. Following the incident, T.Y. attempted to commit suicide.
* In Eskişehir province, A.A. (36) assaulted Y.K. (28) and robbed her after pushing her to an apartment and tying her hands with plastic handcuffs. A.A. was caught by the police briefly after the incident. It turned out that he had previously harassed E.O. (16) sexually.
23 March
* In Urfa province, A.Ü.G. (17) murdered Naime Solmaz (74) by smashing her head with a bat after breaking into her house for theft. Briefly after the incident he was caught by the police and transferred to a court for “murder and assault” charges. A court arrested A.Ü.G.
* In İstanbul province, teacher Y.C.A. (29) raped his student D.A. (18) after inviting her to his apartment, saying that “there will be a party”. A court arrested Y.C.A.
Child abuse
* In Bartın province, 22 men reportedly raped Ç.K. (14). The incident came into surface after the girl told everything to a school therapist. Police detained 22 suspects. While 4 were released, 18 were ordered to stand trial facing arrest.
25 March
* In İstanbul province, C.A. (35) raped S.K. (22) at a friend’s apartment. The woman refuged to a police station after running away naked. Police raided the apartment, seizing drugs. C.A. was detained.
* In Adana province, B.D. raped his internet friend T.G. and then forced her prostitution. Upon her family’s complaint, police started seeking the woman. She was found as she was being forced to have intercourse with B.T. (64). Police detained B.D. and B.T.
26 March
* In İstanbul province, H.İ.Y. murdered his pregnant wife Suzan Yıldırım (28) in a car with a pistol. With his car abandoned in Gebze district, the husband is still on the run.
27 March
* In Ordu province, V.A. (57) murdered his ex-wife Esme Türk (48) at a bazaar with a shotgun. Police captured and detained V.A.
* In İstanbul province, İ.F. murdered his divorce-seeking wife Demet Filcan (30) with a knife. The incident venue was only 150 meters away from Silivri Courthouse where the hearing would be heard.
* In İstanbul province, Ç.K. battered his wife A.K. (30). The woman called her mother and she called the police. While the woman was hospitalized, police detained the husband.
* In İzmir province, M.G.(19) assaulted his wife F.G. (18) with a knife, saying that he dreamt she was “cheating on him”. While the woman was hospitalized with severe injuries, M.G. is still on the run.
* In Kocaeli province, A.B.(42) attempted to strangle hi wife and then alerted the police that she tried to commit suicide. The woman told the real version of the story after returning to conscious. Police detained the husband.
* In Adana province, H.K. (30) assaulted his ex-lover S.Ü. (29) with a shotgun. While the woman survived the incident with no injuries, she said that she filed three previous complaints to the police for threat and two more complaints to prosecutor’s office and Prime Ministry’s Communication Center. She added that her efforts to get a protection yielded no results.
* In Balıkesir province, H.E. (51) assaulted his wife F.E. (46) and their children. The woman filed a complaint to regional gendarmerie authorities. They documented the assault with a medical report, issuing a 1 month restrain order for H.E. The ruling was also confirmed by an assize court.
* In İstanbul province, T.Ç. assaulted his wife K.Ç. in her office with a knife. While the woman was hospitalized, a court ordered the husband to be sent to a mental institution.
* In Trabzon province, H.Ş. (27) sexually and verbally assaulted M.K., a civilly-dressed riot police officer. Upon the woman’s complaint, H.Ş. was detained.
Child abuse
* In Bolu province, A.A. (29) raped his school student N.Ş. (17). While she got pregnant, she was first put under a shelter and then sent back to her parent’s apartment upon a prosecutor’s order. Police is still seeking A.A.
* In Kars province, three men reportedly abused A.K. (8) in a deserted area. The incident came into surface after her mother’s missing report. Police found the girl crying while suspects were running away.
* In Bursa province, S.A. and F.K. raped their internet friend D.H. (16) in their apartment. Suspects were captured by the police as they fell asleep under the influence of alcohol and D.H. called the police. Suspects were arrested.
28 March
* In İstanbul province, high school principal J.A. reportedly forced his interpreter to watch the sex tape of Deniz Baykal, former CHP leader. He was charged with sexual harassment, facing up to 2 years of prison.
30 March
* In Manisa province, A.B.(26) murdered his wife Ş.B. (25) with a knife. After the incident, he surrendered to the police.
* In İzmir province, Tuğçe Şahin, a trans woman, was found battered and dead by gun wounds.
Child abuse
* In Adana province, a painting teacher (44) has been arrested for sexually abusing G.B.(13).
Retaliation to male violence
* In Bursa province, A.Ş. (30), married and 9 months pregnant, assaulted her ex-lover Z.Ö. (43) with a rifle. The incident took place after Z.Ö. attempted to break into her apartment. A.Ş. was released pending a trial.
* In Samsun province, Ç.B. assaulted her ex-lover R.A. (22) with a knife, saying that he relentlessly threatened and harassed her. Released pending a trial, she was arrested after R.A. was declared dead. It turned out that the incident took place as R.A. attempted to break into her car.
* In Karaman province, E.O. (38), married and mother of two children, assaulted H.T. with knife, saying that he was harassing her. It turned out that she met with her harasser. Police detained both E.O. and H.T.
* In Manisa province, Y.Y. murdered his son-in-law Ö.T. with a pistol. It turned out that he has been torturing his daughter who had to flee to his apartment.
* In Sivas province, M.Y. (42) murdered M.K. (45) with a knife, saying that he harassed his 12 year old daughter. After the incident, he surrendered to the police. (RDY/ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.