Male Violence Leaves 11 Women Killed in February

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male violence left 11 women and 1 man children killed, 11 women raped, 20 women and 1 infant battered, and 2 women harassed in February 2013.
1 woman was murdered despite court restraining order, another murder victim had previously filed a complaint to police regarding her male aggressor.
News sources say that two women have been severely wounded despite the court restraining order, while another was heavily battered following her official complaint on police station regarding her husband. On the other hand, a male aggressor on parole stabbed his wife.
In 2013, male violence reportedly left 26 women, 4 men and 3 children killed; 22 women raped; 40 women and 1 infant battered; and 17 women haressed.
Overall in 2012, male perpetrators left 165 women killed, 150 raped, 210 battered and 137 harassed.
In February, male perpetrated violence left 8 women and 1 man dead across 8 different cities in Turkey.
Striking murder victims included a woman who was murdered after having submitted an official complaint and another woman who sued his husband for divorce.
Most of the perpetrators in February were the spouse (3) of slain women.
Other murder perpetrators included lover (3), son-in-law. One murderer's identity remained unknown. 4 murder perpetrators surrender to police following the murders.
Female murder cases were reported in the following cities: Adıyaman, Batman, İstanbul (2), İzmir (2), Manisa and Samsun.
The murderers were aged between 18 to 58 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 19 to 46.
In February, 11 rape cases were reported across 9 different cities in Turkey.
Most of the rapists in January were unknown (3) by their female victims. February rapists included spouse, lover, friend and lovers' friends. 3 women were reportedly forced to prostitution.
Most rape cases were reported in abduction houses (7). Other rape venues included residential houses (2) and on the street (2).
February rape cases were reported in the following cities: Adana, Aksaray, Alanya, Antalya (2), Bursa, Karabük, Muğla, Samsun (2) and Zonguldak.
The rapists were aged between 22 to 52 years old; while female victims' ages differed from 16 to 47.
In February, 2 women have filed harassment complaints in Kocaeli and Izmir. Harassment venue were listed workplace and residential house (by an intruder).
Violence against women
In February, 20 violence against women cases were reported across 14 different cities in Turkey.
News sources say that two women have been severely wounded despite the court restraining order, while another was heavily battered following her official complaint on police station regarding her husband. On the other hand, a male aggressor on parole stabbed his wife.
In February, women suffered from their husbands (12) most in terms of assault. Other perpetrators assaulted women including their lover (3), ex-spouse (2), family members and unknown man.
The violence methods included assault (11) and stabbing with a knife (5) and shooting with a rifle (2). One male aggressor pushed her victim out of a porch, while another man threw a noise bomb at the building of his ex-spouse's apartment.
Following the incidents, 2 women filed officials complaints against their male aggressors, while 2 other demanded protection.
Violence against women was reported in the following cities: Adana (2), Aksaray, Ankara, Antalya, Bursa, Çanakkale, Fethiye, İstanbul (2), İzmir (3), Konya, Mersin, Tekirdağ, Trabzon (2), Urfa and Yozgat.
The male aggressors were between 27 to 67 years old while their victims' ages differed from 17 to 89.
Female retaliation to male violence
In February 2013, female victims retaliated to their male aggressors across 3 different cities. Protesting male violence on their beloved ones, one man murdered his sister's husband while another killed his own son. One woman stabbed her husband whom she claimed to rape and beat her.
Regional distribution
In February, 43 cases of violence against women, murder, attempted murder, harassment, rape, injury and child abuse were reported in 24 provinces. Most of these incidents were reported in the Marmara region.
43 incidents were distributed according to regions as follows: Marmara (10), Central Anatolia (6), Aegean (8), Mediterranean (8), Black Sea (7), Eastern Anatolia (1) and South-Eastern Anatolia (3). (ÇT/BM)