Male Violence January 2014

In January 2014, male violence left 23 women dead, 6 raped, 45 battered and 5 sexually harassed.
* In January 2013, male violence left 214 women and 10 children, 167 women and teenager girls raped/attempted to rape, 241 women and teenager girls battered and 161 women and teenager girls sexually harassed.
1 January
* In İstanbul province, C.E. (45) a security guard, murdered hair dresser Ebru Erenler, saying that she turned down his proposal. Following the incident, he committed suicide. It turned out that C.E. previously harassed and threatened to kill Ebru Erenler.
* In Isparta province, Musa Güzel (63) murdered his divorce-seeking and separated wife Ayşe Güzel with a pistol. Following the incident, he committed suicide.
* In Samsun province, K.K. (40) a construction worker, raped S.B. (21) in the construction office. It was claimed that K.K. put sleeping pills inside S.B.’s drink. Police detained K.K.
* In Samsun province, M.K. (18) raped his ex-lover E.M. A vacation court released M.K.
* In Kocaeli province, M.A.K. battered his wife A.K. Captured by the police, M.A.K. was released after submitting his testimony.
* In Kocaeli province, S.S. assaulted his wife N.S. Captured by the police, S.S. was released after submitting his testimony.
* In İstanbul province, 3 men have been detained by the police for harassment charges during NYE celebrations in Taksim Square.
2 January
* In Adana province, A.Ü. (34) murdered his separated lover Yeşim Yalçıntaş (30) with a rifle on the street. Following the incident, he committed suicide.
* In Adana province, an unidentified woman (17) called the police for domestic violence complaint. The young woman has been transferred to Juvenile Police Department.
3 January
* In Antalya province, Ö.A. murdered his father-in-law Halis Çalçınar with a shotgun. He also fired at his own son. It turned out that he constantly battered his wife N.A. and she moved to her parents house.
* In Konya province, A.B. (61) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Ayşe Bodur (51) with a pistol. Ran away after the murder, the suspect was later on captured. It turned out that Ayşe Bodur filed a complaint against A.B. for threat and insult in 2012. However, Konya Peace Court acquitted A.B.
* In Antalya province, an unidentified man sexually harassed A.K. (24) on the street. Police launched an investigation.
5 January
* In Kocaeli province, M.K. battered his wife N.K. Captured by the police, M.K. was released after submitting his testimony.
* In Mersin province, O.B. (30) assaulted his divorce-seeking wife G.B. (25) by pulling her out of a bus and punching her in the face. Following the incident, police detained O.B.
6 January
* In Aydın province, 3 men sexually harassed a female student in a state-run student residence.
* In Samsun province, İ.B. (20) assaulted his lover İ.D. (18). Detained by the police, İ.B. has been ordered to stand trial for premeditated assault.
* In Erzurum province, S.Ş. assaulted his wife K.Ş. with a bat, leaving her injured in the head. Detained by the police, S.Ş. was released after submitting his statement.
8 January
* In Adana province, one man assaulted a woman on the street, saying that she was his lover.
* In Bursa province, U.A. (38) assaulted his ex-wife E.H. (33) with a knife. U.A. ran away after driving E.H. to a nearby hospital. Later on, police captured U.A.
9 January
* In Urfa province, C.Y., allegedly a schizophreniac, murdered his wife Sebha Yücedağ with a rifle. After the incident, C.Y. ran away.
* In Aydın province, A.K. (37) murdered his ex-lover Kezman Aydoğdu (28). Confession his action on Facebook, A.K. surrendered to the police in Tokat.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Zonguldak province, A.E. (34) strangled her violent husband Eli E. (38) to death. Later on, she surrendered to the police. It turned out that A.E. was forced to marry her husband after being raped at the age of 15. The court released A.E. within judiciary control measures as she also had prosecutor and police-approved complaints for domestic violence.
* In Kocaeli province, İ.Ç. battered his religiously-wed wife A.T.
10 January
* In Kayseri province, F.D. assaulted his wife and her alleged lover with an axe and rifle. It turned out that he recieved assisted by his brother. Following their statements, suspects have been released pending a trial.
* In Trabzon province, M.S. (47) battered his divorce-seeking wife Ç.S. (43) who complaint of domestic violence. Detained by the police, M.S. has been released for pending a trial. Ç.S. on the other hand, said that she didn’t want to live with M.S. and she would apply to a women’s shelter and a restraint order.
11 January
* In Diyarbakır province, F.T. (18) murdered his sister Yonca Bayburan (24) with a pistol. Following the incident, F.T. surrendered to the police.
* In Kocaeli province, O.K. assaulted his wife T.K. Detained by the police, O.K. has been released after submitting his statement.
* In Aksaray province, A.K. battered his separated wife twice in a day. While A.K. ran away, the woman was hospitalized.
12 January
* In Urfa province, Ü.A. (36) murdered his wife Zehra Alkan (32) with a knife. Detained the police, a court arrested U.A.
* In Siirt province, Kader Erten (14) has been found dead in her apartment. Forced to marry at the age of 12 and giving birth to her child at the age of 13, Kader Erten lost her life while giving birth to her second child. While M.A.’s family claimed that she committed suicide, Kader Erten’s corpse has been sent to the Forensics Institute in Diyarbakır. Pervari Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation on the issue, saying that her death was suspicious.
13 January
* In Balıkesir province, police officer E.Ç. (42) murdered his nurse wife Pervil Çetin with a pistol in the hospital. It turned out that he previously battered Pervil Çetin. E.Ç. has been arrested and sent to a prison.
* In Mersin province, B.İ. (43) assaulted his divorce-seeking wife N.İ. (35) with a knife. It turned out that she had 30 wounds. While N.İ. has been hospitalized under critical condition, police detained B.İ.
* In Batman province, one man assaulted his wife A.N. with a baseball bat. While A.N. filed a complaint against the man, the police is seeking the suspect.
* In Kocaeli province, A.A.A. battered his mother-in-law N.Ç.
14 January
* In Mersin province, D.D. (37) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Hatice Dost (33) with a knife as she headed to the courthouse to file for divorce.
Retaliation to male violence
* In İzmir province, A.Ç. (36) murdered her violent husband Ömer Çoban with a knife. Following the incident, A.Ç. called an ambulance. She was later on arrested.
* In Kocaeli province, T.A. battered his fiancee Ö.T.T. Detained by the police, T.A. has been released after his statement.
* In Mersin province, M.Ç. assaulted his ex-lover G.D. (35) with a knife.
15 January
* In İstanbul province, Şengül Ünlüyayla (42) and her partner O.K. (23) have been attacked with guns by unknown individuals. While Şengül Ünlüyayla died, O.K. has been gravely wounded. Police is investigating the scenario that Ünlüyayla’s husband is behind the case.
* In Kocaeli province, B.Y. battered his wife N.Y. Detained by the police, B.Y. was released after submitting his statement.
16 January
* In Kars province, Y.Y. (42) murdered his divorce-seeking and separated wife Gülsenem Yuca (36) with a rifle. Following the incident, Y.Y. has been arrested.
* In Kırşehir province, V.K. (40) strangled his ex-wife Elmas Öztürk (37) to death. Following the incident, V.K. surrendered to the police.
* In Kocaeli province, O.K. battered his wife T.K.
* In İstanbul province, F.B. (28) sexually harassed E.E. on the street in the early hours of the morning and attempted to rape her inside an apartment building. Ran away after neighbor intervention, F.B. has been captured upon the woman’s descriptions.
17 January
* In Mersin province, N.Z. (22) battered his wife F.Ö. (21). Initially N.Z. threatened her to kill their son, then he locked himself up in the toilet. Escorted out by the police, N.Z. reportedly attacked her relatives with a knife.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Adana province, M.K. murdered his violent husband Yavuz Hakan Küçükay (40) with a pistol. It turned out that a court had issued a restraint order previously. Following the incident, M.K. has been detained by the police.
* In Sakarya province, K.S. (17) assaulted his brother-in-law A.D. with a knife, saying that he was battering his sister.
18 January
* In Manisa province, H.T. (55) cut the throat of his separated and divorce-seeking wife Mukaddes Tüfekçi. Following the incident, H.T. committed suicide.
* In Adana province, high schooler F.Y. battered his lover A.L. on her way out from the school.
* In Sakarya province, A.D. has been detained by the police for domestic violence complaints. After submitting his statement, A.D. battered his wife again and assaulted his brother-in-law (16) with a knife. Police detained A.D. one more time.
* In Kocaeli province, F.K. battered his wife F.K.
19 January
Retaliation to male violence
* In Adana province, M.K. (34) murdered her violent and legally-restraint husband Hakan K. with a pistol. It turned out that the couple was separate. Arrested, M.K. claimed that she used the pistol that Hakan K. brought along to her apartment to threaten her family. “I used the pistol when it fell during the fight,” she told the court.
20 January
* In Adana province, M.A. assaulted his wife M.A. (19) by hitting a key to her head.
* In Çorum province, S.G. (20) battered his mother G.G. who later on filed a complaint against her son.
21 January
* In Dersim province, H.P. (40), a bus driver and a village guard, attempted to rape student S.A. (12) inside the shuttle bus. H.P. has been caught by those who heard S.A.’s screams for help and delivered him to the gendarmerie. A court arrested H.P.
22 January
* In Aydın province, M.D. (82) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Servet Değirmenci (48) with a rifle. Following the incident, M.D. surrendered to the police by admitting his deed on the phone.
* In İstanbul province, K.T., strangled his sister K.T. (17) to death. It was claimed that K.T. murdered his sister for being pregnant.
23 January
* In Trabzon province, M.Ç. (38) battered his wife G.Ç. (30). Upon the woman’s complaint, a court issued a 3-month restraint order as well as judicial control measures.
* In Kocaeli province, B.K. battered his wife G.K. While the woman was hospitalized, police released B.K. after his statement.
* In Kocaeli province, M.D. battered his 4 year-long domestic partner lover Ş.K who filed a complaint for domestic violence.
24 January
* In Hatay province, H.G., murdered his wife Şenay Gedik (54) and her brother Ahmet Gedik (21) with a pistol. Police captured H.G.
* In İstanbul province, A.A. (31) put his wife E.A. (25) on fire with gasoline after an argument. Both E.A. and A.A. have been hospitalized with serious wounds.
* In Sakarya province, Z.K. (38) assaulted his wife A.K. (34) with a knife, injuring her from 4 different places. While A.K.’s situation remained critical, Z.K. has been sent to a mental institution as he committed the deed after his wife responded a stranger’s question for directions on the street. It turned out that Z.K. has been institutionalized for over two years.
* In Kocaeli province, Ö.S. battered his wife F.S. While Ö.S. has been hospitalized, F.S. was released by the police after submitting his statement.
* In Erzurum province, T.K. assaulted his divorce-seeking wife D.K. as they left the courtroom for the hearing, leaving her severely injured.
* In İstanbul province, S.T. split acid on the face of his divorce-seeking wife Ö.T. (23). Following the incident, S.T. ran away from the scene.
25 January
* In Diyarbakır province, V.T. (29) brutally murdered his wife Mübarek Turan by putting electric cables around her body during her sleep and turning on the electricity. Mübarek Turan’s father claimed that V.T. pretended to be a lunatic in order to benefit from sentence reductions. “I committed the murder by the order of genies,” he wrote in his statement.
* In Bartın province, T.S. (24) raped N.A. (21) in his sister’s apartment with the help of his brother-in-law V.P. (30). It turned out that T.S. and N.A. have just met. The day after the incident, T.S. and V.P. reportedly drove N.A. to Bartın province and dropped her at a relative’s apartment. Detained by the police, T.S. and V.P. have been arrested for “depriving somebody of freedom” and “sexual assault and threat”.
* In Kocaeli province, B.Ş. battered his wife G.Ş. While G.Ş. has been hospitalized, police released B.Ş. after his statement.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Kastamonu province, N.Y. attacked her husband M.Y. with a knife after he initially battered her. Following the incident, N.Y. called for an ambulance.
26 January
* In İstanbul province, Olga M. (42) has been found dead in her apartment with several knife wounds.
* In Tokat province, one man assaulted a woman in a shopping mall, claiming that she was his wife. She suffered from several wounds.
27 January
* In Erzurum province, Ö.B. battered his wife E.B. and his daughter F.B. Following the incident, police detained Ö.B.
* In Bursa province, S.B. (50) assaulted his divorce-seeking wife A.B. (47) with a knife at a shopping mall. While S.B. has been hospitalized, police detained A.B.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Tekirdağ province, C.K. assaulted his daughter’s verbal harasser S.A. with a rifle.
28 January
* In Konya province, H.K. (40) murdered Yadigar Taşdelen (34) with a pistol outside a prison. It turned out that Yadigar Taşdelen filed a complaint against him for abduction and a court issued a restraint order for him. Following the incident, police captured H.K. while he ran away.
* In Antalya province, police officer R.Y. (44) murdered his wife Ümmühan Yılmaz (43) with a pistol. Following the incident, R.Y. committed suicide. It turned out that a court issued a restraint order for R.Y. due to domestic violence. In addition to that, the woman called the police in order to remove R.Y. from the premises and R.Y. managed to return to the venue by convincing his co-workers that he would pick up his stuff from the apartment.
* In İzmir province, mentally disabled C.A. (19) murdered his grandmother Levin Çekirge (74) with a knife.
* In Kocaeli province, S.Ş. (33) raped his fiancee S.Y. (14) after abducting her. Surrendered to the gendarmerie and pleading guilty, S.Ş. has been ordered to stand trial for rape. The court released S.Ş. pending a trial.
* In İstanbul province, factory worker G.Z. raped his co-worker H.A. (28) in her apartment. Police detained G.Z.
* In Adana province, M.T. battered his ex-wife and current domestic partner S.B. (29). After the incident, S.B. refuged to an office and called the police for domestic violence complaint.
29 January
* In Burdur province, D.Ö. (26) battered his wife A.Ö. (22) with the help of his mother Y.Ö. Taken under police protection, A.Ö. filed a complaint against her husband and his family.
* In Ağrı province, teacher S.D. battered his wife E.D. and went to work after locking her in. Upon the neighbors’ notice, police saved the woman and transferred to a hospital. While the police also detained S.D., education ministry officials launched an investigation against S.D.
30 January
* In Erzurum province, U.K. (32) murdered his sister H.K. (14) with a rifle, saying that she was kissing with another man. A court arrested U.K.
* In İstanbul province, M.B. (50) assaulted his wife A.B.(48) by punching her on the street and hitting her head on the pavement. It turned out that they were married for 26 years and she was victim of domestic violence ever since. While prosecutors issued a protection order for A.B., M.B. received a restraint order. Released after his statement, M.B. allegedly shouted threats to kill his wife. Upon an application by İstanbul Bar Association Women’s Rights Commission, Anadolu 2nd Family Court issued an arrest warrant for M.B.
* In İstanbul province, E.T. battered his wife S.T. (35) and then kicked her out of the apartment. S.T. filed a complaint against her husband.
* In Diyarbakır province, advocate S.Y. sexually harassed his intern advocateA.K. for two months. Upon A.K.’s complaint, prosecutors launched an investigation which was later on dropped due to lack of evidence.
31 January
* In Urfa province, H.G. and C.G. murdered their 8.5 month pregnant Hatice Göv (19) and threw her into a well. It turned out that H.G. was pregnant from her lover and previously received life threats. Also subjected to violence, H.G. was living in a relative’s apartment in Diyarbakır province. The cousins committed their deed by pledging the woman that they would compromise. “She brought a black stain to our honor,” cousins reportedly said in their statement.
* In Çorum province, S.T.T. battered his wife A.T who filed a complaint. (BB/ÇT/BM)