Male Violence December 2013

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 25 women and 2 men dead, 4 raped/attempted to rape, 41 battered and 9 harassed in December 2013.
While 16 percent of slain women previously filed a complaint, 20 percent were killed for seeking divorce.
While 71 percent of rape attempts took place in apartments, 66 percent took place on the street.
1 December
* In Zonguldak province, religious school student öğrencisi T.Ö. (17) has been detained by the police for raping his classmate H.Y. (15) and threatening her to release the video footage of the incident.
2 December
* In Antep province, B.D. (38) murdered with a knife his divorce-seeking and seperated wife Nesrin Dayangençsevim (36) on her way to work. It turned out that courts ordered two previous restraint orders for B.D. Following the incident, B.D. surrendered to the police.
* In Konya province, unidentified individuals forced divorcee M.G. (28) and her 3-year-old son into a car. The aforementioned men assaulted the woman inside the vehicle, leaving a scar on her face. Following the incident, the woman was hospitalized.
* In Ankara province, H.H.Y. reportedly battered and sexually harassed 7 different women. A court arrested H.H.Y.
* In Alanya province, S.Ö. sexually harassed Z.B. (32) on the street by threatening her with a knife. He also attempted to rob her purse. Detained by the police, S.Ö. had previous arrest warrant for sexual harassment and robbery.
3 December
* In Kayseri province, A.A. battered and insulted his wife S.A. Prosecutors launched an investigation against A.A.
* In Zonguldak province, Y.A. attempted to rape his divorce-seeking wife H.A. Confronted with resistance, Y.A. battered H.A. Upon H.A.’s complaint, police detained Y.A. He was later on released pending a trial.
5 December
* In İstanbul province, Ş.Ç. (44) murdered his wife Nimet Çağan (39) with a knife. Following the incident, police captured Ş.Ç. who ran away. Later on, he was arrested and sent to prison. It turned out that the woman had an 11-year-old son and suffered from domestic violence two years ago. It was also reported that she received death threats and filed for protection. Upon that a court had issued a 6-month restraint order, however Nimet Çağan allegedly could no longer make further request due to family pressure. After the incident, Ş.Ç. testified that he had placed a camera inside his wife’s bedroom and detected a man’s leg in the footage.
* In Tekirdağ province, a group of minibus drivers battered CHP member municipal assembly member Fatma Gürel and vice mayor Erdoğan Demirci.
* In Kocaeli province, school teacher H.A. (40) has been battered by unidentified people on the street. Suffering from several fractures and brain concussion, H.A. has been sent to ICU.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Ankara province, B.S. (38) murdered her violent husband Enser Sarıkaya (40) with a falchion. After the incident, she committed suicide.
6 December
* In Erzurum province, A.T. strangled his coworker Emine Karataş (33) in an abandoned building. A.T. has been arrested for premeditated murder, qualified vandalism and sexual assault. It turned out that A.T. had recently been laid off for stealing Emina Karataş’s money.
* In Adana province, retired police officer A.F.S. and active-duty police officer M.S. battered their sister A.S. (38) for taking 350 liras without a consent. Having medically documented the incident, A.S. filed a complaint. While prosectors launched an investigation, A.S. was place in a women’s shelter.
* In Konya province, M.Ö. assaulted his religiously wed wife A.S. (39) with a knife.
7 December
* In Adana province, S.G. (41) battered his wife Ü.G. (34) with a heavy object because of her warning on his excessive drinking habit. Kicked out of her apartment, Ü.G. was found by the police and driven to a hospital. Police also detained S.G.
* In İzmir province, M.S. sexually harassed his wife’s cousin İ.M. (16). A court released M.S. pending a trial.
* In İstanbul province, M.A. battered his wife Ş.A. Caught by the police, Ş.A. was released after his statement.
* In İstanbul province, O.Y. battered his wife H.Y. While H.Y. has been hospitalized, O.Y. was released after his statement.
8 December
* In İstanbul province, K.A. (62) assaulted his wife Revzen Andaç (58) in their apartment with an axe. While Revzan Andaç died, K.A. also left his daughter H. (22) and Y. (15) injured as they attempted to stop him. While K.A. ran away after the incident, a court arrested him upon his capture.
10 December
* In Çorum province, M.S.Ö. (25) murdered his ex-fiancee Hanife Aktaş (23) with a shotgun. Following the incident, M.S.Ö. committed suicide.
* In Trabzon province, O.D. battered his wife N.D. (37). While N.D. has filed for protection for frequent violence, police detained O.D. Later on, a court issued a 6-month restraint order.
11 December
* In İstanbul province, T.Ş. battered his sister S.K. Police released T.Ş. after submitting his statement.
12 December
* In Konya province, Y.S. (38) murdered his daughter Burçin Süsen (15) by tormenting her with a bat and rolling pin. On November 26, B.S. has been taken to a hospital with the excuse falling off the roof. However, the medical staff quickly found out the bruises on her skin and alerted the gendarmerie. B.S.’s mother, father and brother have been detained. While the suspects pleaded guilty, It turned out that Y.S. also battered his ex-wife and murdered her with a rifle.
* In Kocaeli province, R.K. (21), a university student with Russian origin, threatened her ex-lover A.İ (20) with a knife and pistol. While he stole her purse, he also battered her. Following his statement, R.K. has been ordered to stand trial.
* In Kocaeli province, E.Ö. battered his wife S.Ö. Captured by the police, E.Ö. was released after his statement.
* In Sakarya province, H.K. battered his wife E.K.
13 December
* In Ankara province, E.T. battered his wife M.T. (21) for wanting to sing a song in an open microphone event at a local bar. After returning home, E.T. continued battering his pregnant wife M.T. by hitting her with a vacuum cleaner bar and rifle butt. Following the incident, the woman had a miscarriage. Ankara 15th Vacation Peace Court ordered E.T.’s arrest for “deprivation of freedom, causing a miscarriage and premeditated assault”.
* In İstanbul province, M.G. A.Y. Y.Ç. and Z.Ç. forced H.C. into a car in the early hour of the morning and sexually harassed her. Following the incident, H.C. filed a complaint. While a vacation court arrested M.G. and faced 12 years in prison for additional charges, other defendants were charged with up to 5 years in prison.
14 December
* In İstanbul province, T.A. battered his ex-wife M.K. Detained by the police, T.A. was released after submitting his statement.
15 December
* In Antalya province, İ.Ş. (25) murdered his divorce-seeking wife Şeyma Şentürk (20), his mother-in-law Cemile Torbalı and father-in-law Nevzat Torbalı with a rifle. Following the incident, the suspect ran away.
* In Urfa province, A.I. (33) battered his wife R.I. (37). Upon R.I.’s complaint, A.I. has been sent to a prison as he previously benefitted from a parole.
16 December
* In Yalova province, H.A. (38) murdered his wife Necla Arslan (28) with a pistol. Following the incident, H.A. travelled to Kocaeli and surrendered to the police.
* In Çorum province, İ.Y. (45) murdered his wife Melek Yalçın (42) with a knife. Following the incident, he surrendered to the police. It turned out that İ.Y. was officially diagnosed with schizophrenia and murdered his wife for buying a lottery ticket.
* In Aydın province, S.Ş. (30) grabbed the throat of his mother A.Ş.(53) and assaulted his sister, saying that they hid his drug pills. While police detained him, S.Ş. had a failed suicide attempt. It turned out that he had a 16 year long sentence within judiciary control measures.
* In Mersin province, 3 unidentified men assaulted D., a trans woman, on the street with bats and kebab knives. “We don’t want you here, get lost,” the group shouted. Then they threw the woman in front of a car, leaving her severely injured. While the woman has been hospitalized, the group ran away.
17 December
* In İzmir province, V.A. (36) brutally murdered his ex-wife Serpil Erfındık with a knife. While he also kidnapped his own son, V.A. surrendered to the police one week after the incident. It turned out that a court previously issued a protection order for Serpil Erfındık. The incident took place on the day after the protection order was due. It was also reported that Serpil Erfındık filed for another protection order and requested for clearance from his ex-husband’s debts. Serpil Erfındık’s also complaint that they have made a similar request but a prosecutor behaved disinterested.
* In Antalya province, a man murdered his allegedly lover Fatma Aydoğdu (32) with a pistol.
* In Trabzon province, T.B. (25) battered his wife M.B. (26). A court released T.B. pending a trial even though he reportedly battered his wife four times during the same month. On the other hand, the court issued a protection order for M.B.
* In Adana province, O.T. (28) threatened and insulted his ex-lover A.K. (36) with a text message. It turned out that O.T. threw a molotov cocktail at the apartment of A.K. and three other children. He had also attempted to burn down the house. On the top of “attempted murder with molotov cocktail” charges, Adana 7th Peace Criminal Court also ordered O.T. to stand trial for “insult, threat and intervening personal peace and integrity”, facing up to 5 years in prison. A.K. complaint that she filed several complaints but none of them were regarded.
18 December
* In Rize province, Asiye Çilingir (77) has been found dead by a rifle wound in the head. It turned out that police was seeking the top suspect O.D. (30) who allegedly came to the village and asked villagers about Asiye Çilingir’s son.
* In İstanbul province, T.Ö. battered his wife D.Ö. Detained by the police, T.Ö. was released after submitting his statement.
* In Antalya province, E.Ö. (32) raped B.K. (20). Following the incident, B.K.’s father and uncles chased E.Ö. It turned out that B.K.’s family battered E.Ö. on the street and assaulted with a knife. Hospitalized, E.Ö. had two arrest warrants from 2013. Police also detained B.K.’s father and uncles.
19 December
* In Kastamonu province, M.V. (74) assaulted N.M. (35), the ex-wife of his grandchild, with a pistol. While the woman was hospitalized, it turned out that N.M. divorced F.Ç. due to domestic violence. The incident took place as they got out of the hearing. The violence left N.M.’s new husband dead. Following the incident, M.V. was detained.
* In İstanbul province, O.A. battered his wife S.A. Captured by the police, O.A. was released after submitting his statement.
* In Düzce province, Ö.A. (26) raped his neighbor L.B., a mentally retarded woman. Initially detained by the police, Ö.A. was arrested.
20 December
* In Adana province, S.Ö. (26) verbally harassed his ex-lover E.K. (24). It turned out that a court issued a 3-month restriction order against S.Ö. for harassing E.K. Upon E.K.’s complaint, prosecutors also launched an investigation against S.Ö. for disobeying public orders.
* In Balıkesir province, several members of a family assaulted female teachersS.A. F.K. and T.Ö. as well as vice principal N.A.
21 December
* In Kocaeli’nde H.T. assaulted his wife N.T. While N.T. has been hospitalized, H.T. was released by the police after his statement.
* In Balıkesir province, S.E. (29) committed suicide. It turned out that she suffered from domestic violence, a detail that S.E. admitted to a local administrator prior to the incident.
22 December
* In Kocaeli’nde E.K. battered his wife S.K. Detained by the police, E.K. was released after submitting his statement.
* In Samsun province, Y.T. (32) battered his mother A.T. (49) and father A.T. (59). It was said that Y.T. was a drug addict. Detained upon complaints, a vacation court released Y.T. within judiciary control measures.
23 December
* In Bursa province, K.A. (31) murdered his lover Yüksel Nohut (35) with a pistol. Following the incident, he hid the pistol and ran away. Later on, the suspect was arrested and sent to a prison.
* In Uşak province, M.S. (30) opened fire at a vehicle by his ex-fianceeAyşe Bulut’un (27) and her mother D.B. (60). While Ayşe Bulut died, her mother was gravely injured. Ran away after incident, the suspect was captured by the police.
* In Çorum province, unidentified individuals assaulted F.K and E.K. in their apartment as they were asleep. They ran away after robbing a certain amount of money.
25 December
* In Antalya province, G.Ö. (47) murdered his lover Esma Ekinci (37) in a hotel room by strangling. Following the incident, he chopped her body into piece and put them in a suitcase. The incident came into surface when G.Ö.’s suitcase was searched.
* In Kocaeli province, A.Ç. battered his wife S.Ç. Detained by the police, A.Ç. was released after his testimony.
* In Ankara province, a high school student (20) chased A.M. into a building and showed his sexual organ. After that, he reportedly hugged her. Upon A.M.’s screams for help, the suspect ran away.
Murder attempt
* In İzmit province, G.G. (14) and D.S. (14) attempted to commit suicide by throwing themselves out of a tall wall in the countyside. Gravely wounded, two teenager girls allegedly committed their deed due to their oppressive father and brother. Police launched an investigation.
26 December
* In Adana province, D.Ö. (24) strangled his ex-wife Halime Özdoğan to death. Following the incident, he abandoned her body in the woods. Captured by the police, D.Ö. pleaded guilty.
* In Mersin province, M.Ç. (39) murdered his separated wife Aslı Çelik in the woods with a pistol. Following the incident, M.Ç. surrendered to the police.
* In Kayseri province, A.K. (16) assaulted his mother Ş.K. by punching her in the face.
* In İstanbul province, S.G., a social security officer, sexually harassed his secretary. While he faced an official investigation, it turned out that S.G. received a condemnation for conduction inappropriately.
27 December
* In Antalya province, Ö.D. (35) murdered his separated wife Tuğba Dilek (34) with a pistol. Following the incident, he committed suicide.
* In Adana province, Z.S. (46) battered his daughter H.S. (22). It was claimed that Z.S. battered her as she wanted to return to her violent husband in Istanbul.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Şırnak province, H.F. (47) murdered Mehmet Salih Tunç (29) on the street as Tunç allegedly raped his daughter last year. Detained by the police, H.F. pleaded guilty, saying that it was an “honor” issue. It turned out that the daughter was staying in a women’s shelter.
* In Osmaniye province, T.A. (22) attempted to rape his friend D.D. in the apartment. While D.D.’s friends intervened, police launched an investigation.
28 December
* In İstanbul province, S.K. murdered his former co-worker Evrim Aktuğ (31) with a pistol on the street. It turned out that Evrim Aktuğ previously filed a complaint against S.K. and asked for protection.
* In Adana province, İ.K. (29) battered, tortured and raped his recently divorced wife F.A. (23) after convincing her to travel to his village to see his children. Gravely injured, F.A. divorced her husband due to domestic violence. Initially detained by the police, İ.K. was arrested.
* In Uşak province, M.A. and Y.B. raped G.C. by giving her sleeping pills. After the incident, they stole her golden bracelets. Ordered to stand trial, the suspects were released within judiciary control measures.
* In Kocaeli province, C.Y. battered his wife E.Y. Detained the police, C.Y. was released after his statement.
* In Trabzon province, local business owner C.B. punched A.U.D. in the face after she warned him that he was tormenting stray animals.
* In Urfa province, an unidentified man chased M.E. and E.E. with his motorbike, insulting and assaulting them on the street. It was reported that the same profile sexually harassed women in the nighttime.
29 December
* In Adana province, B.Z. (35) battered his daughter A.Z. (15). Filed a complaint against her father, A.Z. told the police that she didn’t want to live with her parents. While A.Z. was placed under a shelter, an investigation has been launched against B.Z.
* In Kocaeli province, M.A. battered his wife E.A. Detained by the police, M.A. was released after his statement.
30 December
* In Sakarya province, ambulance driver H.A. murdered his wife Fatma Acar (39) with a knife. After the incident, H.A. called the police. It was claimed that H.A. and Fatma Acar agreed to take a divorce.
* In Kastamonu province, M.K. (33) murdered his wife Nebiye Katırcı with a rifle. A court arrested M.K. for murder.
* In Kırşehir province, K.A. (63) murdered his wife Hatun Aydın (41) with a rifle. Following the incident, K.A. committed suicide.
31 December
* In Edirne province, H.D. (50), allegedly schizophreniac, murdered his mother Hanife Duğramacı (76) by beating her with a bat. It was claimed that H.D. has been hospitalized in a mental institution and didn’t follow the medical schedule after being discharged.
* In Isparta province, M.G. (63) murdered his separated and divorce-seeking wife Ayşe Güzel (67) with a rifle. Following the incident, M.G. committed suicide.
* In Kocaeli province, M.A.K. battered his wife A.K. Detained by the police, M.A.K was released after his statement. (BB/ÇT/BM)