Male Violence August 2013

According to data based on reports in local and national newspapers and news agencies, a compilation made by bianet revealed that male perpetrators left 24 women and 1 teenager girl killed, 21 (including young girls) raped, 19 injured and 7 harassed in August 2013.
In 2013 so far, male violence left 122 women killed, 118 raped, 146 battered ad 117 sexually harassed.
1 August
* In İzmir province, G.A. (39) murdered his living partner Tülin Şenyıldızoğlu (44) by battering. Police captured G.A.
* In Antep province, H.U., a school teacher, sexually harassed three visually-impaired female students at a private school. It tutned out that he has been harassing them for a long time.
* In Manisa province, H.V. (28) sexually harassed H.T., a 6 year old girl. Following a complaint submitted by the girl’s mother, police captured H.T.. He was later on arrested after standing trial.
* In Kocaeli province, L.D. assaulted his pregnant wife S.D. Following the incident, she was given a medial report, saying that she was severely battered. Police launched an investigation.
* In Kocaeli province, H.S. battered his wife D.S. Captured by the police, H.S. was released by the order of a prosector after his testimony.
2 August
* In Erzincan province, A.A. murdered his co-worker Serap Fırat (41) in his office with a shotgun. Following the incident, he committed suicide.
* In İstanbul and Kocaeli province, M.K. (53) R.D. raped 8 women after meeting them for a job interview. Upon A.S.’s complaint, M.K. stood trial and faced prison sentence. Police is still seeking R.D.
* In Kocaeli province, S.C. (23) attempted to rape İ.H. (45) who asked for an address on the street.
* In Kocaeli province, Ç.K. battered his wife B.K. While B.K. was hospitalized, Ç.K. was released after his testimony.
3 August
* In Muğla province, S.Ç. (33) M.B. H.D. (35) and M.Y. (35) have been arrested for forcing B.K. to prostitution. It turned out that B.K. had a previously rape complaint. She reportedly left the women’s shelter before the incident.
4 August
* In Istanbul province, M.İ. (21) raped his sister S.İ. (18) in their apartment. The incident came into surface after S.İ. gave birth to a child in a hospital toilet. M.İ. stood trial and received 15 years of prison sentence.
5 August
* In Iğdır province, N.K. (70) shot his wife Masire K. (56) dead with AK-47 rifle. He also left his male cousin Y.K. gravely wounded. Gendarmerie is still seeking N.K.
* In Manisa province, a man raped B.K. (16), the disabled daughter of his lover F.G.
6 August
* In Antalya province, Ö.K. murdered his wife Seher Çelik (26) with a knife at her office. Following the incident, he attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Van province, F.A. murdered his friend N.Ç., saying that he raped his wife.
* V.E. (39), a boat captain in Aegean Sea, sexually harassed Ö.Ü. (35), the boat cook. An investigation was launched against V.E.
* In Trabzon province, K.K. (24) battered his wife H.K. (21). A court released K.K. pending a trial despite police was allegedly seeking for other charges.
7 August
* In Samsun province, M.Y. (40) assaulted his wife R.Y. (39) with a knife. It turned out that M.Y. previously received a restraint order due to domestic violence upon the wife’s complaint.
8 August
* In İstanbul province, O.B. murdered his wife Beyaz Bal with a knife on the street. The incident took place only 150 meters away from a police station. It turned out that Beyaz Baln was seeking divorce and requested for protection due to continuing threats. Her family members also added that she requested a close protection as threats came more frequent.
9 August
* In İstanbul province, S.A. (70) murdered his wife Hediye Atay (73) in her head with a pistol. While the police launched an investigation, the pistol had no license.
* In Ağrı province, A.Y. (22) murdered his lover Aslı Demir (22) with a knife. A court arrested A.Y. and sent him to prison.
* In Muğla province, M.K. assaulted his wife O.K. with a knife before their children in the apartment. It turned out that M.K. initially battered O.K. Hospitalized, the woman’s situation still remains critical.
* In Adıyaman province, Ş.A. assaulted his ex-wife A.A. with a knife. While A.A.’s situation still remain critical at a hospital, police detained Ş.A.
10 August
* In Hatay province, C.G. assaulted his divorce-seeking wife Z.G. with a knife.
11 August
* In Samsun province, B.A. murdered his mother-in-law Cemile Zengin and father-in-law Behiç Zengin during an argument. Beyhan Zengin, his sister-in-law, was injured.
* In İzmir province, S.B. attempted to kill his ex-wife İ.G. and her new husband T.G. by running over with his car. Surrendered to the police, S.B. pleaded guilty.
12 August
* In Ordu province, Y.Ö. (47) murdered his longtime separated wife Ayten Öcel (44) and her father Niyazi Küçük with a rifle. Police detained Y.Ö.
* In Çorum province, S.Y. (27) attempted to rape 17 year old Ö.K. as she was walking on the street. While S.Y. attempted to rape her by ripping her clothes off. A vacation court arrested S.Y.
Retaliation to male violence
* In Ankara province, an arson was reported at the apartment of A.D. (17) who was convicted of raping a 5 year old child.
* In Trabzon province, M.L. reportedly went to his mother-in-law’s apartment to take back his children from his separated wife G.L. Rejected, he battered her and threatened with a knife. A court arrested M.L. It turned out that M.L. battered his wife last month as well, leaving her hospitalized. However, a court released him pending a trial.
13 August
* In Erzincan province, N.A. (34) brutally murdered his wife Eda Aydın (33) by smashing her head on the floor.
* In İzmir province, Ş.Y. murdered his divorce-seeking wife Yasemin Yüksel (22) by cutting her throat after deceiving her to drive to the woods instead of a courthouse. It turned out that the woman was pregnant and previously ran away from their apartment due to domestic violence.
* In İstanbul province, E.İ.E. murdered his pregnant wife Kübra Kalaycı (17), his mother-in-law Yasemin Demir (41) and her husband Agah Demir with a pistol.
* In İstanbul province, a man reportedly assaulted a 14 year old girl with a knife. While the girl was immediately hospitalized, her situation still remains critical.
* In Adana province, M.U. (51) battered his daughter A.U. (15), saying that she wanted to continue to high school. While an investigation was reportedly launched on M.U., the teenager girl was taken under state protection.
* In Kocaeli province, Y.D. battered his wife B.D. While she was hospitalized, Y.D. was released from a police station after his testimony.
* In İstanbul province, M.S. (33) attempted to rape his sister’s friend B.A. (14) in a hotel room. Prosecutors charged M.S. with “depriving one of their freedom by deceit for sexual purposes”. M.S. is facing a prison sentence up to 43.5 years.
* In Van province, E.A. (18) hang herself in her uncle’s apartment.
14 August
Retaliation to male violence
* In Adana province, S.Ç. (22) murdered his neighbor Aziz Aka (24) with a knife, saying that he sexually harassed his wife. S.Ç. was arrested for premeditated murder.
* In Antalya province, A.K. (28) sexually harassed his niece Ü.K. (7). After a complaint submitted by the girl’s mother S.K. (31), A.K. was arrested.
16 August
* In Batman province, B.G. assaulted his pregnant wife A.G. with a knife, leaving her with 8 coups. B.G. also assaulted his mother-in-law and children. He reportedly ran away.
17 August
* In İzmir province, O.H. murdered his lover Zeliha Çıkmaz with a rifle and committed suicide.
* In İstanbul province, A.P. (25), a hitch-hiker from Poland who departed to Sofia, has been raped in the woods. Following an investigation, rape suspect İ.B. (25) was captured by gendarmerie forces in his apartment.
18 August
* In Afyon province, police found the dead body of S.E. (8). A court arrested 3 suspects following their testimonies to a prosecutor. Defendants are suspected to have raped the victim as well.
* In Konya province, K.T. (27) assaulted his lover S.A. (30), saying that she was sitting together with a man around a table.
21 August
* E.A. reportedly flashed his sexual organ to a teenager girl during a flight from Bodrum to İstanbul. Escorted by secuity staff, E.A. was handed to the police upon landing.
22 August
* In İzmir province, it turned out that O.Ç. sexually harassed his niece S.E. (16) for the past four years after S.E.’s mother read her diaries. The teenager girl also said that his uncle took her to a deserted place and raped her - an incident that cause his aunt to commit suicide. Upon mother Ş.E.’s complaint, O.Ç. was arrested.
23 August
* In Trabzon province, A.Ş. (49) murdered his religiously-wed wife Hacere Türüt (30) with a knife. A.Ş. surrendered to the police after the incident.
* In Diyarbakır province, Ş.Y. murdered Özlem Akdağ by shooting in the head. It turned out that the suspect enraged after Akdağ witnessed for a friend’s divorce trial.
* In Diyarbakır province, Ş.Y. assaulted his nurse co-worker Ö.G., hitting her in the head. Gravely wounded, Ö.G. is reportedly dependent on life support unit. O
* In Muğla province, it turned out that three men has raped S.G. (14) for a year after a series of blackmailing. A court arrested all suspects.
24 August
* In Adıyaman province, K.B. (72) murdered his wife Hadice Bozan (67) by beating with his baton.
* In Antalya province, N.Ç. (33) and K.A. (39) raped S.A., a sex worker. A court arrested all suspects.
* In Karabük province, M.G.Ö. (28) attempted to rape his lover B.Ç. (21) in a deserted farm. The woman ran away and complaint to a gendarmerie station. M.G.Ö was detained but a court released him within a three month judiciary control limitation.
* In Kocaeli province, C.Y. assaulted his wife E.Y. with a knife twice on her legs. Upon the woman’s screams, relatives intervened and assaulted C.Y.
25 August
* In Adana province, H.T. battered his wife İ.T. and threatened with a knife. The woman went to a prosecutor’s office and filed a complaint on her husband.
* In İstanbul province, a police officer sexually harassed a female advocate in Istanbul Courthouse. Retrieve surveillance camera footage, M.U. filed a complaint against police officer R.A. An indictment charged him with 7 years of prison.
* In Ankara province, S.D. (19) picked up an 8 year old girl on the street to his car and sexually harassed her in his apartment. The family learned about the incident as the girl ran away from her S.D. Upon their complaint, S.D. was arrested after his preliminary testimony.
26 August
* In Ankara province, A.K. (37) murdered his wife M.K. (36) by beating her with an axe baton.
* In Sivas province, S.P. (44), a convict who was jailed from various crimes and released within controlled release measures, abducted T.D. in an apartment. Captured by gendarmerie teams, S.P. was transferred to a prosecutor’s office.
27 August
*Antalya province, A.G. (37) murdered his lover Çilem Hülya Berkil (30) by putting her into fire. While the woman gave her last breath in the hospital, A.G. was arrested.
* In Kocaeli province, C.E. murdered his lover Esra Yalçın and abandoned her body on a high viaduct. It turned out that C.E. had a previous criminal record on murder.
28 August
* In Aksaray province, C.A. (20) murdered his wife Kader A. (19) with a rifle.
* In Balıkesir province, S.B. (37) has allegedly raped Ş.A. (16) for six months. Police detained S.B. He was arrested by a court.
29 August
* In Diyarbakır province, a man murdered his separated wife Nilüfer Türkoğlu (36) with a rifle. It turned out that Nilfüer Türkoğlu previously filed for protection for three times due to death threats. Her request reportedly yielded no results.
* In Mersin province, Ö.Ş. murdered his wife Zeliha Ş. with a shotgun and committed suicide.
30 August
* In İstanbul province, G.M. (26) murdered his breakup-seeking lover Karin Sucu (25) by shooting her in the head. Following the incident, G.M. attempted to commit suicide by shooting his head off. He survived with heavy wounds.
* In Çorum province, M.G. (39) and M.A. (42) raped their acquaintance Y.Z. (17) during a picnic hangout. Suspects were arrested by a court.
* In İzmir province, S.Ö. (32) assaulted his divorced wife G.T. (30) before his children with a knife. It turned out that G.T. divorced him due to domestic violence.
* In Antalya province, B.Y. (34) battered his uncompromising wife B.P.Y. (34) and threw her out of a moving car. While B.P.Y. was hospitalized, police is still seeking B.Y.
* In Giresun province, D.Ö. (21) was arrested for sexually harassing a woman. (BK/EC/ÇT/BM)
* Click here to read the original article in Turkish.